Д-р Елена Величкова Никова, редовен професор

Д-р Елена Величкова Никова, редовен професор

Д-р Елена Величкова Никова, Редовен Професор
Институт: Органска технологија
email: elenavelickova@yahoo.com
тел: 3088-269

2013 Доктор по технички науки,насока – прехранбена технологија,
докторски труд: Конзервирање на овошје и зеленчук со нетермички процеси

Последипломски студии на Технолошко-металуршкиот факултет
насока – биотехнологија,
магистерски труд: Продукција на етанол со имобилизација на квасочни клетки во целулозни гелови

1996 – 2001
Додипломски студии на Технолошко-металуршкиот факултет
насока – прехранбено-биотехнолошко инженерство
дипломска работа: Анаеробно-аеробни реактори за обработка на отпадни води

февруари 2002 – декември 2003 демонстартор

декември 2003 – септември 2009 помлад асистент

септември 2009 – јуни 2013 асистент

јуни 2013 – јуни 2018 доцент

јуни 2018-октомври 2023 вонреден професор

октомври 2023 – редовен професор

сеп. – дек. 2000
Instituto Superior Tecnico во Лисабон, Португалија

25 април – 6 maj 2006
International Seminar, Integration of Milk Production in the EU
Implementation of EU Regulations and Niche Production,
Leipzig, Germany

ноем. 2006 – дек. 2006
Лабораторија за полимеризациони процеси, Бугарска академија на науки, Софија, Бугарија

март 2007 – април 2007
Лабораторија за полимеризациони процеси, Бугарска академија на науки, Софија, Бугарија

јуни 2007
Лабораторија за полимеризациони процеси, Бугарска академија на науки, Софија, Бугарија

декември 2007
Лабораторија за полимеризациони процеси, Бугарска академија на науки, Софија, Бугарија

феб. – март 2008
Национален хемиски институт, Љубљана, Словенија

јули – авг. 2008
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Лисабон, Португалија

јуни – окт. 2009
Lund University, Лунд, Шведска

ноем. 2010 – фев. 2011
Технички универзитет, Лисабон, Португалија

окт. – ноем. 2014
Болоњски универзитет, Чезена, Италија

фев. 2015
универзитет во Салерно, Фишчиано, Италија


Пресметки, интерпретација и презентација на податоци

Хемија на храната
Основи на прехранбено инженерство
Процеси на конзервирање на храна
Легислатива за биотехнолошки производи

Контрола на квалитет на биотехнолошките производи

Хемија на храната
Основи на прехранбено инженерство
Процеси на конзервирање на храна
Контрола на квалитет на биотехнолошките производи

Управување со квалитетот (60%)
Развој на нови производи, процеси и методи (15%)
Статистички методи во науката за храна и биотехнологијата (50%)
Сензорска анализа на храната (20%)
Производи со додадена вредност (20%)
Индустриска биотехнологија (25%)
Методи и техники за контрола на квалитет на храната (30%)
Законски прописи за обезбедување на квалитет на храната (30%)

1. 5th International congress on food technology, 6-9 March, 2007, Thessalonica, Greece
Food properties of baked products containing xylitol and sorbitol

2. 4th Central European Congress on Food, 15-17 May 2008, Cavtat, Croatia
New immobilization technique of cell entrapment applied for ethanol production

3. ICOSECS 6 – International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries, 11-14 September 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria
New carriers for cell immobilization

4. 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, 12-17 October 2008, Dalian, China
Production of bioalcohols by yeasts from Saccharomyces and Candida genera

5. COST meeting, 24-25 April, 2009, Luxemburg
Beer production with immobilized yeast cells

6. COST meeting, 24-26 September, 2009, Groningen, Netherlands
Production of bio-ethanol by free and HEC immobilized yeast cells

7.5th Central European Congress on Food, 19-22 May 2010, Bratislava, Slovak Republic,
Effect of sucrose and salt solutions on mass exchange during osmotic pretreatment of carrot and potato

8.XVIII International Conference on Bioencapsulation – Porto, Portugal – October 1-2, 2010,
Double-layered polymer gels intended for entrapment of yeast cells

9.Gomez-Galindo F., Dejmek P., Phoon P.Y., Velickova E., Tylewicz U. (2011). Preservation of cell viability in fruit and vegetable tissues after freezing and thawing. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, 22-26 May, Athenes, Greece.

10. Velickova, E., Winkelhausen, E., Kuzmanova, S. (2011). Apple chips produced by osmotic-conventional dehydration. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Food Technologist, Biotechnologist and Nutritionist, 20-23 September, Opatija, Croatia.

11. Velickova, E., Dimova, D., Winkelhausen, E., Kuzmanova, S. (2011). Preservation of Diospyros kaki with edible films. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Food Technologist, Biotechnologist and Nutritionist, 20-23 September, Opatija, Croatia.

12. Velickova, E., Tylewicz, U., Dalla Rosa, M., Winkelhausen, E., Kuzmanova, S., Gomez Galindo, F. (2011). Cryoprotective treatment of strawberries. 2nd International ISEKI Food Conference, 31st Aug-2nd Sep, Milan, Italy.

13. Dabevska-Kostoska, M., Velickova, E., Kuzmanova, S., Winkelhausen, E. (2012). White brined cheese as a delivery medium for probiotic bacteria. 6th Central Eurpoean Congress on Food, 23-26 May, Novi Sad, Serbia.

14. Dimitrovski, D., Velickova, E.,Langerholc, T., Winkelhausen, E (2014). Candidate probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum strain applied to produce fermented tomato juice. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress “Food Technology, Quality and Saftey”, 527-532, October 28-30, Sad, Serbia.

15.Temkov, M., Velickova, E., Winkelhausen, E. (2014). Improvement of the freezing process of spinach by using cryoprotectants. Proceedings of the 2nd international Congress “Food Technology, Quality and Saftey”, 11-17, October 28-30, Sad, Serbia.

16.Temkov M., Simonovska J., Rafajlovska V. and Velickova E. (2015). Mechanical and optical properties of sodium based alginate edible films modified with cocoa butter, Third International Congress on Cocoa Coffe and Tea, June 22-24; Aveiro, Portugal, F.FT.01, CD-ROM.

17.Temkov M., Simonovska J., Velickova E. and Rafajlovska V.(2015). Identification of counterfeit of whole grain bread, II National Scientific Food Conference, New Bulgarian University in Sofia, FQ 11, pp. 48, March 20; Sofia, Bulgaria.

18.Simonovska J., Temkov M., Velickova E. and Rafajlovska V.(2015). Influence on quality of process parameters on stirred yogurt, II National Scientific Food Conference, New Bulgarian University in Sofia, FQ 12, pp. 49, March 20; Sofia, Bulgaria.

19. Temkov M., Simonovska J., Dimitrovski D., Mojsova S., Rafajlovska V. and Velickova E. (2016). Properties of alginate-based edible films incorporated with capsicum oleoresin. FoodTech2016, 25-27 October, pp. 128-134, Novi Sad, Serbia.

20. Simonovska J., Temкov M., Dimitrovski D., Velickova E. and Rafajlovska V.(2016). Influence of salting process on the beaten cheese quality. FoodTech 2016, pp. 166, October 25-27; Novi Sad, Serbia.

21. Najdenovska, E., Velickova, E., Ristovski, B., Bocevska, M.(2016). Influence of sensory and textural properties on consumers acceptability of white brined cheese. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress “Food Technology, Quality and Safety” (ed. M. Đugarić), 180-185, October 25-27, Novi Sad, Serbia.

22. Temkov M., Simonovska J., Rafajlovska V. and Velickova E.(2017). Quality control of yogurt and sour cream during transport and market storage. Food-3 International Conference, Food 3-51, pp. 52, March 23-25; Sofia, Bulgaria.

23. Simonovska J., Temkov M., Velickova E. and Rafajlovska V. (2017). Quality characteristics of ewe’s beaten cheese. Food-3 International Conference, Food 3-50, pp. 51, March 23-25; Sofia, Bulgaria.

24. Karova, I., Velickova, E., Simonovska, J., Winkelhausen, E., Rafajlovska, V. (2018). Industrial production of beaten cheese with propionic bacteria. 25th Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, BFT P-9, pp212, September 19-23, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

25. Simonovska, J., Velickova, E., Grozdanov, A., Kavrakovski, Z., Rafajlovska, V. (2018). Extraction of wild oregano with different particle size. 25th Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, BFT P-10, pp213, September 19-23, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

26. Simonovska, J., Temkov, M., Mojsova, S., Dimitrovski,D., Rafajlovska, V., Velickova, E. (2018). Influence of the chitosan coating type on the cow’s yellow cheese storage stability. Proceedings of the 9th Internationsl Congress of Food technologist, Biotechnologist and Nutritionists, 65-69, October 3-5,Zagreb, Croatia.

27. Temkov, M., Brazkova, M., Velickova, E., Krastanov, A. (2018). In situ immobilization of inulinase with aqueous two phase systems onto chitosan beads.Proceedings of the 9th Internationsl Congress of Food technologist, Biotechnologist and Nutritionists, 70-74, October 3-5,Zagreb, Croatia.

28. Karova, I., Velickova, E., Simonovska, J., Winkelhausen, E., Temkov, M., Rafajlovska, V. (2018). Texture and appearance of industrially produced cow’s beaten cheese. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Food Technology, Quality and Safety, 469-473, October 23-25, Novi Sad, Serbia.

1. E.Winkelhausen, R. Jovanovic-Malinovska, E. Velickova, S. Kuzmanova,
Sensory and Microbiological Quality of a Baked Product Containing
Xylitol as an Alternative Sweetener,International journal of food properties, 10: 639-649, 2007

2. E. Velickova, E. Winkelhausen, S. Kuzmanova, M. Cvetkovska, Ch.Tsvetanov,Hydroxyethylcellulose cryogels used for entrapment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, Reactive and functional polymers, 69: 688-693, 2009

3. Eleonora Winkelhausen, Elena Velickova, Samuel A. Amartey, Slobodanka Kuzmanova,Ethanol Production Using Immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae in lyophilized cellulose gel, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, (on-line, DOI 10.1007/s12010-010-8995-z)

4. E. Velickova, P.Petrov, Ch.Tsvetanov, S. Kuzmanova, M. Cvetkovska, E. Winkelhausen,Entrapment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells in u.v. crosslinked hydroxyethylcellulose/poly(ethylene oxide) double-layered gels, Reactive and functional polymers, (on-line, DOI 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2010.09.004)

5. Velickova, E., Cvetkovska, M., Kuzmanova, S., Winkelhausen, E. (2011). A lag-time model for substrate and product diffusion trough hydroxeethylcellulose gels used for immonilization of yeast cells. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 30 (1), 85-96.

6. Velickova, E., Tylewicz, U., Dalla Rosa, M., Winkelhausen, E., Kuzmanova, S., Gomez Galindo, F. (2013). Effect of vacuum infused cryoprotectnats on the freezing tolerance of strawberry tissues. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 52, 146-150.

7. E.Velickova, E.Winkelhausen, S.Kuzmanova, V.D. Alves, M. Moldão-Martins (2013). Impact of chitosan-beeswax edible coatings on the quality of fresh strawberries (Fragaria ananassa cv Camarosa) under commercial storage conditions. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 52, 80-92.

8. E.Velickova, E.Winkelhausen, S.Kuzmanova. Physical and sensory properties of ready to eat apple chips produced by osmo-convective drying. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(12), 3691-3701, 2014.

9. E.Velickova, E.Winkelhausen, S.Kuzmanova, M. Moldão-Martins, V.D. Alves.
Characterization of multilayered and composite edible films from chitosan andbeeswax. Food Science and Technology International, 21(2), 83-93, 2015.

10. D. Dimitrovski, E.Velickova, T. Langerholc, E. Winkelhausen. Apple juice as a medium for fermentation by the probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum PCS 26 strain. Annals of Microbiology, 65(4), 2161-2170, 2015.

11.M. Dabevska-Kostovska, E. Velickova, S. Kuzmanova, E. Winkelhausen. Traditional white brined cheese as a delivery vehicle for probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus Casei. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 34(2):343, 2015

12. D. Dimitrovski, E.Velickova, M. Dimitrovska, T. Langerholc, E. Winkelhausen.Synbiotic functional drink from Jerusalem artichoke juice fermented by probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum PCS26. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(1), 766–774, 2016

13. M. Temkov, H. Strinska, G. Dobrev, E. Velickova, V. Muresan, A. Krastanov. Purification of bacterial inulinase in aqueous two-phase systems. Engineering in Life Sciences, DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201700174

14. E. Velickova, U. Tylewicz, M. Dalla Rosa, E. Winkelhausen, S. Kuzmanova, S. Romani. Effect of pulsed electric field coupled with vacuum infusion on quality
parameters of frozen/thawed strawberries. Journal of Food Engineering, 233, 57-64, 2018

15. S. Mojsova, L ,Angelovski, D. Jankuloski, J. Simonovska and E. Velickova. Antimicrobial effect of oregano-chitosan double coatings on Listeria monocytogenes in meat products. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 333, 2019
16. A. Aleixandre, Y. Benavent-Gil, E, Velickova, C. M. Rosell. Mastication of crisp bread: Role of bread texture and structure on texture perception. Food Research International 147, 110477, 2021

17. M. TEMKOV, E. VELICKOVA, V. STAMATOVSKA, Gj. NAKOV. CONSUMER PERCEPTION ON FOOD WASTE MANAGEMENT AND INCORPORATION OF GRAPE POMACE POWDER IN COOKIES. Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development Vol. 21, Issue 1, 2021

18. S. Tappi, E. Velickova, C. Mannozzi, U. Tylewicz, L. Laghi and P. Rocculi. Multi-Analytical Approach to Study Fresh-Cut Apples Vacuum Impregnated with Different Solutions. Foods, 11, 488, 2022

19. A. Chadikovski, J. Klopchevska, E. Velickova, V. Rafajlovska. The effect of whey type on the yield and quality characteristics of Urda. Mljekarstvo, 72 (3), 151-160, 2022

20. E. Velickova Nikova, M. Temkov, J. M. Rocha. Occurrence of meso/micro/nano plastics and plastic additives in food from food packaging. In Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Elsevier, 2022

21. M. Temkov, D. Dimitrovski, E. Velickova & A. Krastanov. Inulinase immobilisation in PAA/PEG composite for efficient fructooligosaccharides production. BIOCATALYSIS AND BIOTRANSFORMATION, VOL. 40, NO. 1, 50–63, 2022

1. Алтернативни засладувачи од типот на полихидроксилни алкохоли наменети за прехранбени производи.
Министерство за образование и наука на Р. Македонија,
јули 2001-јуни 2004.

2. Физиологија на имобилизирани квасци што метаболизираат шеќери.
Министерство за образование и наука на Р. Македонија,
јули 2006-јуни 2009.

3. New Curriculum Models for Educating Food Engineers CD_JEP-40065-2005.
Grant holder W. Steiner, Technische Universität Graz, координатор на проектот проф. Слободанка Кузманова, сеп. 2006 – авг. 2009.

4. COST project TD1104 on Electroporation based technologies and treatments, 2012-2017

5. COST project CA18101, Sourdomics, 2019-2023

англиски, германски

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