Д-р Емилија Фиданчевска, редовен професор

Д-р Емилија Фиданчевска, редовен професор

Д-р Емилија Фиданчевска, редовен професор
Институт: Неорганска технологија
email: emilijaf@tmf.ukim.edu.mk
тел: 3088 206; 076 350 659

22.09.1994 дипломиралa на Технолошко-металуршки факултет, Универзитет “Св. Кирил и Методиј”, Скопје, на насоката базно-неорганско инженерство, звање дипломиран инженер технолог,

10.07.1997 магистрирала на Технолошко-металуршки факултет, Универзитет
“Св. Кирил и Методиј”, Скопје, на тема: Добивање, карактеризација и синтерување на керамички состеми, базирани на TiO2, Al2O3 и SiO2, звање магистер по технички науки,

27.12.2002 докторирала на Технолошко-металуршки факултет, Универзитет
“Св. Кирил и Методиј”, Скопје, на тема:Систем TiO2 калциеви фосфати, консолидација, порозна структура, особини, примена, звање доктор на технички науки.

1998 – асистент на Технолошко-металуршки факултет
2002 – асистент на Технолошко-металуршки факултет
2003 – Насловен доцент на Технолошко-металуршки факултет
2007 – Вонреден професор на Технолошко-металуршки факултет
2013 – Редовен професор на Технолошко-металуршкиот факултет

– RWTH Aachen, Institut fur Gesteinshuttenkunde, Aachen, Germany (01.07-31.08.1993)IAESTE

– Technisches Institut: Materialwissenschaft, Jena,Germany (14.07-31.08.1995), EUREKA-294

– Technisches Institut: Materialwissenschaft, Jena,Germany (01.10-31.12.1996), EUREKA-294

– IMG TEMPUS Phare (Tele teaching in materials engineering) Technisches Institut: Materialwissenschaft, Jena,Germany (1.07-10.08.2000)

– IMG TEMPUS Phare (Gaining knowledge in three and four years studies according to ECTS), Imperial College, London, England (15.05-22.06.2005)

– DAAD – Flay ash as a raw material for designing potential ceramics products, Frederic Schiller University, Institute of materials science and material technology, Jena, Germany (20.09-.20.12.2008)

– Ka-Ho Sint Liven, Gent, Belgium, September, 2010 (7 days in the frame of TEMPUS Project)

– Tryer University for applied sciences Berkenfeld, Germany, Octomber, 2010 (7 days in the frame of TEMPUS Project)

– Vienna University, Vienna, Austria, 2010 (7 days in the frame of TEMPUS Project)

– COST ActionTU1301: NORM4BUILDING-STSM: Determination of natural radionuclide content in cements containing different particle size distribution of fly ash, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, Italy (14-28.10.2014)

– COST Action TU1301: NORM4BUILDING-STSM: Utilization of fly ash as NORM representative for geopolymer fabrication, , National Technical University of AThens – School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Athens, Greece (26.03 – 05.04.2016)

– Член на уредничкиот одбор на Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2005-2011
– Член во International Institute for Science of Sintering, 2002
– Член во Сојузот на хемичарите и технолозите на Македонија, 1998
– Член во Институтот за стандардизација – ТК 25, 2008-2011

Неорганско инженерство и заштита на животната средина

1. Добивање на керамички материјали
2. Цврст отпад и рециклирање
3. Огноотпорни материјали
4. Специјални керамички материјали

Инженерство на материјали и нанотехнологии
1. Добивање на керамички материјали
2. Керамички материјали
3. Огноотпорни материјали
4. Паметна керамика

Неорганско инженерство и заштита на животната средина

1. Структура и особини на неоргански материјали
2. Современи керамички материјали
3. Неоргански материјали во уметноста и културното наследство
4. Неоргански материјали за циркуларна економија

Инженерство на животна средина
1. Управување со цврсти отпадоци
2. Управување со опасни материи

30. E. Fidanchevski, Radiological aspect and mechanical properties of cements with different fly ash granulation, Training School: Al-rich Industrial Residues for Inorganic Materials, RIS AliCE Project (no. 18 258), EIT Raw Materials, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences-National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, 24-28 May, 2021
29. E.Fidanchevski, Status and perspective of RT, SS and NCS applications in the Republic of North Macedonia, 7-9 October, 2020, Virtual Event-Regular coordination meeting in the frame of TC RER1020 IAEA Project)
28. E. Fidanchevski, K. Šter, S. Dolenec, Valorization of Al-containing mineral residues for sustainable inorganic binders, VII Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment International Conference on Environmental Protection (TRIECEP), 10-13 August, 2020, University of Pannonia, Veszprem, Hungary
27. E.Fidanchevski, IAEA Project Presentations: RER1020 and ENVIRONET: NORM Project, Final National Seminar of the IAEA project: Application of ionizing irradiations in Nanotechnology for environmental, energy and health purposes, 18 December, 2019, FTM-UKIM, Skopje
26. E. Fidanchevski, RIS ALiCE Project Overview, ENVIRONET NORM Project Session, NORM IX Symposium, 23-27 September, 2019, Denver, Colorado, USA
25. E. Fidanchevski, Nanomaterials in construction, Second SARCOS RILEM PhD Training School: Advanced materials and technologies based on inorganic binders, 2-7 September, 2018, Skopje and Ohrid, In the frame of COST Action CA15115, supported by RILEM
24. E.Fidanchevski, Status and perspective of RT,GS and NCS applications in Republic of Macedonia, 11-13 December, 2018, Vienna Austria (in the frame of TC RER1020 IAEA Project)
23. E.Fidanchevski, Country report of the FYR of Macedonia, 19-21 June 2018, Warsaw, Poland (in the frame of TC RER1020 IAEA Project)
22. E. Fidanchevski, S. Kramar, V.Ducman, B.Angjusheva, V.Jovanov, T.Kovacs, Sintering of NORM ceramics, VI Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment International Conference on Environmental Protection (TRIECEP), 22-25 May, 2018, University of Pannonia, Veszprem, Hungary
21. B.Angjusheva, E.Toth-Bodrogi, E. Fidanchevsko, V.Jovanov, T.Kovacs, Optimization of the main Process paramenters of ceramics production from red mud and clay, Final Symposium COST NETWORK NORM4Building (Use of by-products in construction: dealing with natural radioactivity) 06-08.June, 2017, Rome, Italy
20. E. Fidanchevski, BEST Summer School, 2017 (serial of lectures: Sol-gel, mechanical activation, Synthesis of nanomaterials, Sintering of ceramics)
19. E.Fidanchevski, W.Schroeyers, T.Kovács, NORM4BUILDING COST Action: possibilities and challenges for young scientists, “The 3rd Educational Symposium on Radiation and Health by Young Scientists in 2016” (ESRAH2016) in Sapporo, Japan, on 1st-2nd of October 2016 (Invited lecture)
18. E. Fidanchevski, Dense and Porous Ceramics Materials, RADIATION & HEALTH in the 46th Seminar of Research Center for Biomedical Sciences organized by the Graduate School of Health Sciences,Hirosaki University, 6th October, 2016.
17. E.Fidanchevski, J.Bossert, B.Angjusheva, V.Jovanov, V.Srebrenkoska, Sintering of ceramics based on mechanically activated fly ash, International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Conference Segment on Concrete with Supplementary Cementitious Materials, 22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
16. V.Jovanov, O.Rudic, B.Angjusheva, J.Ranogajec, E.Fidanchevska, Impact of fly ash incorporated in the clay matrix, V Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment International Conference on Environmental Protection (TRIECEP), 17-20 May, 2016, University of Pannonia, Veszprem, Hungary
15. E.Fidanchevski, Dense and Porous Ceramics based on NORM, Training School: NORM for Building, 1st September, 2015, Hasselt, Belgium
14. E. Fidanchevski, Industriski otpadni materijali-potencijalna surovina za dizajn na gradezni proizvodi, Forum za inovacii I tehnolo;ki razvoj-TEHNOMA, 13-17.10.2015, Skopje, Macedonia
13. E.Fidanchevska, B.Angjusheva, Waste inertization into environmentally friendly glass-ceramics, Sixth Balkan Conference on Glass Science and Technology, 18th Conference on Glass and Ceramics, 1-4 October, 2014 Nessebar, Bulgaria (Invited lecture)
12. D.Ivanova, M.Doneva, E.Fidanchevska, Mechanical activation of nano alumina, XI Students Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry of SHTM, Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, 24-25 September, 2015, Skopje, Macedonia
11. E. Fidanchevska, Influence of mechanical activation on the properties of ceramics, XXII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 5-9 September, 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia (plenary lecture)
10. E.Fidancevska, W.Hoeflinger, R.Grujic, V.Srebrenkoska, J.Blazevska-Gilev, Sustainable development in materials engineering, Međunarodni naučni skup “Obnovljivi izvori energije i održivi razvoj”, APEIRON, Banja Luka, 2011 (Invited lecture)
9. E.Fidancevska, Porous ceramic materials, 8th Scientific/Research Symposium with International Participation, Metallic and nonmetallic materials: production-propertirs-applications, April 27-28th, Zenica, 2010, Bosnia and Hercegovina (Plenary lecture)
8. E.Fidancevska, J.Bossert, V.Vassilev, M.Milosevski, Fabrication of porous and dense ceramics from transitional nano-alumina, NATO Advanced Study Institute, May 31 – June 12, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2010 (invited lecture)
7. E.Fidancevska, Valorization of waste fly ash as raw material for ceramics, Willy Brandt Foundation, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, November, 2009
6. E. Fidancevska, M. Miloševski, Bioactive – Bioinert Ceramics Based on Hydrohyapatite – TiO2, Fourth Student’s Meeting, December, Novi Sad, Serbija 2001
5. E.Fidancevska, V.Zlatanovic, S.Zafirovski, Obtainment, Consolidation and Properties of TiO2 Produced by Sol-Gel Method, 13th Conference on glass and ceramics, 29 September-1Octomber, Varna, Bulgaria, 1999
4. V.Zlatanovic, S.Jancev, S.Zafirovski, S.Bogoevski, E.Fidancevska, S.Glogorovski, Meta-rhyolite from Macedonia as a basic raw material for ceramic and glass industry, 13th Conference on glass and ceramics, 29 September-1Octomber, Varna,Bulgaria, 1999
3. R.Milosevska, G.Ruseska, E. Milosevska, TIASIL–Needles–Ceramic Bioinert Material, Ist Macedonian – German Seminar on Materials Science and Development, 17-19 September, Ohrid, Macedonia, 1995
2. E.Milosevska, Optimizacija na procesot na dobivanje TIASIL igli i nivno komponiranje vo bioinerten materijal, Prv kongres za cista i primeneta hemija na studentite od Makedonija, 6-7 oktomvri, Skopje,1994
1. E.Milosevska, Application of Unconventional Techniques in Bio Ceramic Materials Preparation, XVI Macedonian Medical Students Congress – International, May, Ohrid, 1992

Ко-уредник на книги:

* Sabina Dolenec, Emilija Fidanchevski, Katarina Šter, Lea Žibret (2020) MANUAL FOR USE OF AL-CONTAINING RESIDUES IN LOW-CARBON MINERAL BINDERS, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

* Fidancevska, Emilija and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2013) Materials Engineering. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, CIP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji Biblioteka Matice srpske, Novi Sad. ISBN 978-608-4708-30-8
URI: http://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/6931

* Zavargo, Zoltan and Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Fidancevska, Emilija and Jasic, Midhat and Cakic, Milorad and Grujic, Radoslav (2013) Dissemination Booklet: Tempus 158989-Tempus-1-2009-1-BE-Tempus-JPHES Creation of university-enterprise cooperation networks for education on sustainable technologies, CIP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji Biblioteka Matice srpske, Novi Sad.
ISBN 978-86-6253-016-5
URI: http://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/6930

Печатени трудови во периодични списанија:

55. V. Jovanov, S. Vučetić, S. Markov, B. Angjusheva,
E. Fidancevska, J. Ranogajec, Resistance to frost action and microbiological corrosion of novel ceramics composites, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quaterly, In press,(2022) DOI: 10.2298/CICEQ210904016J

54. E. Fidanchevski, K. Šter, M.Mrak, Lj. Kljajevi´c, G. Žibret, K.Teran, B. Poletanovic, M. Fidanchevska, S. Dolenec, I. Merta, The Valorisation of Selected Quarry
and Mine Waste for Sustainable Cement Production within the Concept of Circular Economy. Sustainability 2022, 14, 6833.

53. B. Angjusheva, V. Ducman, E. Fidancevski, The Effect of Addition of Construction and Demilition Waste on the properties of Clay-besed Ceramics, Science of Sintering, In print Vol. 3 (2022)

52. E. Fidanchevski, B. Angjusheva V. Jovanov, P. Murtanovski, Lj. Vladiceska, N. Stamatovska Aluloska, J. Krneta Nikolic, A. Ipavec, K. Šter, M. Mrak, S. Dolenec, Technical and radiological characterisation of fly ash and bottom ash from thermal power plant, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10967-021-07980-w

51. B. Angjusheva, E. Fidancevski, V. Jovanov, Conversion of coal fly ash into glass-ceramics by controlled thermal treatment, Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, (2021) Vol 40 No 2 , DOI: 10.20450/mjcce.2021.2429 (IF- 0.689)

50. B. Angjusheva, E. Fidancevska, Glass-ceramics produced by vitrification of coal fly ash, Quality of Life, 12(3-4)85-92 (2021)
DOI: 10.7251/QOL2103085A

49. S. Kramar, L. Žibret, E. Fidanchevska , V. Jovanov , B. Angjusheva , V. Ducman, Use of fly ash and phosphogypsum for the synthesis of belite-sulfoaluminate clinker, Materiales de Construcción Vol. 69, Issue 333, January–March 2019, e176, https://doi.org/10.3989/mc.2019.11617

48. V. Jovanov, V. Zečević, T. Vulić, J. Ranogajec, E. Fidanchevska, Preparation and characterization of protective self-cleaning TiO2/kaolin composite coating, Materiales de Construcción Vol. 68, Issue 331, July–September 2018, e163, https://doi.org/10.3989/mc.2018.08517

47. V.Jovanov, O.Rudic, J.Ranogajec, E.Fidanchevska, Synthesis of nanocomposite coating based on TiO2/ZnAl layer double hydrohides, Materiales de Construcción 67(325):112 · February 2017, DOI: 10.3989/mc.2017.07215

46. B. Angjusheva, E.Fidanchevska, V.Jovanov, Production ans characterization of porous ceramics from coal fly ash and clay, Quality of life (2016) 7(3-4):59-65; DOI: 10.7251/QOL1603053A

45. B. Angjusheva, E.Fidanchevska, V.Ducman, Influence of the main process parameters on the physical and mechanical properties of the bottom ash ceramics, Quality of life (2016) 7(3-4):59-65; DOI: 10.7251/QOL1603059A

44. P. Paunović, A. Grozdanov, A. Češnovar, B. Ranguelov, P. Makreski, G. Gentile, E. Fidančevska, Characterization of nano-scaled TiO2 produced by simplified sol-gel method using organometallic precursor, J. Eng. Mater. Technol., (2015); doi: 10.1115/1.4029112

43. B.Angjusheva, V.Jovanov, K.Lisickov, E.Fidancevska, Optimization of the process of production of ceramics from waste coal and clay, Case study: the influence of the mechanical activation, Quality of life 4 (1-2) 20-25, (2013)

42. V. Srebrenkoska, E. Fidancevska, Environmental issues in materials science and engineering, Materials Protection, 2(54),167-174 (2013)

41. A. Češnovar, P. Paunović, A. Grozdanov, P. Makreski, E. Fidančevska, Preparation of nano-crystalline TiO2 by Sol-gel method using titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) as a precursor, Advances in Natural Science: Theory & Applications, 1, 133-142 (2012)

40. V. Srebrenkoska, E.Fidancevska, J. Blazevska-Gilev, K. Lisickov, Role of technology as a basis of cleaner production, Technologica Acta, 5(2), 15-20 (2012)

39. B.Angusheva, E.Fidancevska, V. Jovanov, Production of ceramics based on fly ash, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quaterly, Vol.18, No.2, 245-254 (2012) (DOI:10.2298/CICEQ110607001A) (IF: 0.58)

38. M.Koleva, A.Zheglova, V.Vassilev, E.Fidancevska, Composites containing waste materials, Chapter in the book: Advances in the composites materials – Analysis of natural and man-made materials, Edited by Pavla Těšinova, In Tech, September 2011

37. E.Fidancevska, J.Bossert, V.Vassilev, M.Milosevski, Fabrication of porous and dense ceramics from transitional nano-alumina, In J.P. Reithmaier et al. (eds.), Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 43-49 (2011)

36. R.Adziski, E.Fidancevska, J.Bossert, M.Milosevska, Porous mullite ceramics for advanced sensors, In J.P. Reithmaier et al. (eds.), Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 73-78 (2011)

35. P. Paunović, O. Popovski, E. Fidančevska, B. Ranguelov, D. Stoevska Gogovska, A. T. Dimitrov, S. Hadži Jordanov, Co-Magneli phases electrocatalysts for hydrogen/oxygen evolution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.35 (2010) 10073- 10080 (IF:4.053)

34. V.Vassilev, T.K. Hristova-Vasileva, E.Fidancevska, M.N.Koleva, A.I.Zheglova, Physicochemical and optical properties of glasses from the Cu-S-Se system, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Vol.2, No. 3 (2010) 253-259 (IF: 0.159)

33. E.Fidancevska, V.Vassilev, Obtaining of powders by controlled hydrolysis and sintering of materials from the TiO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system, Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Vol.45, No.4 (2010) 421-430

32. D.Milosevski, R.Adjiski, E.Fidancevska, Liqiude Phase Sintering of dense and porous Composites obtaining from industrial wastes, Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol.28, No.2 (2009) 189–195 (IF: 0.2)

31. E.Fidancevska, V.Vassilev, T.Hristova-Vasileva, M.Milosevski, On a possibility for application of industial waste of metalurgical slag and TV – glass, Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Vol.44,No.2 (2009) 189-196

30. V.Vassilev, M.Radonova, E.Fidancevska, New Pb-chalcogenide glasses based on GeSe2 and compositional influence on their properties, Journal of the Technical University-Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Fundamental Science and Applications, Vol.14, No.2 (2009) 509-514

29. L.Aljihmani, V.Vassilev, T.Hristova-Vasileva, E.Fidancevska, Glass-formation and thermal characteristics of new glasses from the As2Se3-Ag4Sse-CdTe system, Journal of the Technical University-Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Fundamental Science and Applications, Vol.14, No.2 (2009) 497-501

28. E.Fidancevska, J.Bossert, V.Vassilev, R.Adziski, M.Milosevski, Design of Ceramic Microstructure of Nanoscaled Transitional Alumina, J.P.Reithmaier et al.(eds.), Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009

27. V.Vassilev, G.Vassilev, E.Fidancevska, Thermomechanical characteristic of chalcogenide glasses, Chalcogenide Letters, Vol.5 No.12, (2008) 415-422 (IF:0.688)

26. R. Adziski, E. Fidancevska, B. Anguseva, M. Milosevski, V. Vassilev, Obtaining of porous quartz sand-glass composite for production of diffusers for water aeration, Maced. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., Vol.27, No.1 (2008) 35–40

25. R. Adziski, B. Anguseva, E. Fidancevska, Fabrication of slag-glass composite with controlled porosity, Processing and application of ceramics, Vol.2, No.1 (2008) 63-67

24. R. Adziski, E. Fidancevska, B. Anguseva, D. Milosevski, V. Vassilev, M.Milosevskki, Industrial waste as a source for fabrication of composite ceramics-glass with controlled porosity, Science of Sintering, 40 (2008) 89-96 (IF:O.412)

23. S.Petrovic, S.Vujovic, E.Fidancevska, J.Ranogajec, Ispitivanje istoriskih opeka, IZGRADNJA, Vol.62, No.5-7 (2008) 297-302

22. E. Fidancevska, G.Ruseska, J.Bossert, Y.M.Lin, A. Boccaccini, Fabrication and characterization of porous bioceramic composite based on hydrohyapatite and titania, Mater. Chem. Phys, 103 (2007) 95-100 (IF: 2.462)

21. V.Vassilev, L.Aljihmani, E.Fidancevska, S.Parvanov, V.Vachkov, M.Milosevski, T.Hristova-Vasileva, Study on the solubility kinetics of chalcogenide glasses from the As2Se3-GeSe2-Ag4SSe System, Maced. J. Chem. Chem. Eng.,Vol.26, No.1, (2007), 31-38

20. V.Vassilev, E.Fidancevska, M.Milosevski, S.Parvanov, D.Milosevski, T.Hristova- Vasileva, Composites on the base of industrial wastes II. Physico-chemical properties of waste glasses, Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Vol 42, book 1 (2007) 175-180

19. E.Fidancevska, V.Vassilev, M.Milosevski, S.Parvanov, D.Milosevski, L.Alijihmani, Composite on the base of industrial waste III. Production of composite of Fe-Ni slag and waste glass, Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Vol 42, book 3 (2007) 285-290

18. J.Bossert, E.Fidancevska, Effect of mechanical activation on the sinтering of transitional nanoscaled alumina, Sci. Sintering, Vol. 39, No.2 (2007)

17. S.Petrovic, V.Jovanov, S.Vujovic, J.Ranogajec, E.Fidancevska, Historical materials from the medieval fortress Bac, Processing and Application of Ceramics Vol.1, No.1-2 (2007) 75-80

16. V.Vassilev, S.Parvanov, K.Tomova, E.Fidancevska, V. Vachkov, M.Milosevski, L.Aljihmani, PhysicoChemical Properties of Glasses in the GeSe2-PbSe-PbTe System, Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Vol.42, No.1, (2007) 61-66

15. G.Ruseska, E.Fidancevska, J.Bossert, Fabrication of Composites Based on Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 and SiO2 , Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Vol.25, No2, 139-144 (2006)

14. G.Ruseska, E.Fidancevska, J.Bossert, Mechanical and Thermal-expansion Characteristics of the Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 – Ca3(PO4)2 Composites, Science of Sintering, 38(3), 245-253 (2006)

13. E.Fidancevska, V.Vassilev, M.Milosevski, S.Parvanov, D.Milosevski, l.Aljihmani, Compozites on the base of Industrial Wastes I. Physico-Chemical Properties of Fe-Ni Slag, Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy41,4, 431-438 (2006)

12. J.Bossert, E.Fidancevska, B.Mangutova, B.Panova, D.Milosevski, M.Milosevski, Liquid Phase Sintering of Dense and Porous Glass-Ceramics from Coal Fly-Ash and Waste Glass, Science of Sintering, 36, 87-92 (2004)

11. B.Mangutova, E.Fidancevska, M.Milosevski, J.Bossert, Production of Highly Porous Glass-Ceramics from Metallurgical Slag, Fly ash and Waste Glass, APTEFF 35 (2004) 103-110

10. B.Mangutova, B.Anguseva, D.Milosevski, E.Fidancevska, J.Bossert, M.Milosevski, Utilization of Fly ash and waste Glass in production of Glass-Ceramics Composites, Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 23 [2] 157-162 (2004)

9. E.Fidancevska, B.Mangutova. M.Milosevski, J.Bossert, Obtaining of Dense and Highly Porous Ceramic Materials from Metalurgical Slag, Science of Sintering, 35 (2003) 85-91

8. E.Fidancevska, G.Ruseska, S.Zafirovski, B.Pavlovski, Thermal-expansion and Mechanical Properties of the Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 – TiO2 Composite, Science of Sintering, 34, 241-246(2002)

7. E.Fidancevska, M.Milosevski, J. Bossert, A. Boccaccini, Fabrication de TiO2 Denso y Poroso por el Metodo Sol Gel y Determinacion de sus Propiedades Mecanicas, Ceramica Y Cristal, 32, Marzo (2001)

6. M.Milosevski, J.Bossert, E. Fidancevska, M. Bucker, Sintering and Creation of Porous Structure of Hydrohyapatite, Biomaterials, ed. C. Palmonary, I. Stamenkovic, Centro Ceramico, Bologna, 2000 , p.5

5. B.Stojanovic, Z.Marinkovic, G.Brankovic, E.Fidancevska, Evaluation of Kinetic Data for Crystalization of TiO2 Prepared by Hydrolysis Method, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 60, 595-604 (2000)

4. E. Fidancevska, J.Bossert, M.Milosevski, Consolidation and Properties of Dense and Porous TiO2, Science of Sintering, 31(2), 103-110 (1999)

3. E.Fidancevska, J.Bossert, M.Milosevski, Sintering and Creation of Porous Structure of Bioactive Ceramics, in Advanced Science and Technology of Sintering, ed. Stojanovic et al. Kluwer Academic Plenum Publischers, New York,1999

2. J. Bossert, E.Fidancevska, M. Bucker, M. Milosevski, Sintering and Properties of Dense and Porous Ca3(PO4)2, Science of Sintering, 30(1), 9-27 (1998)

1. E. Milosevska, R.Milosevska, Obtainment and Characterization of Ceramic Needles of Al2O3 – SiO2 – TiO2 Bioinert System, in Sintering and Materials, p.208, Ed.Li Nan, International Academic Publishers, Beijiging,1995

Печатени трудови во зборници на научни манифестации:

26. E. Fidanchevski, B. Angjusheva, P. Murtinovski, lj. Vladichevska, S. Nenadovic, A. Ipevac, K.Shter, L. Zibret, S. Dolenec, Potencial utilization of fly ash from thermal power plants, Proceedings of an International conference Management of Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Industry, IAEA Vienna, Austria, 18-30 October, 2020

25. B. Angjusheva, E. Fidancevski, Crystallization Behaviour of Vitreous Coal Fly Ash, Proceedings 14th Symposium ”Novel Technologies and Economic Development”, Leskovac, October 22-23 2021 pp 21-28

24. S.Kramar, V.Jovanov, E.Fidanchevska, V.Ducman, Use of fly ash and phosphogypsum for the synthesis of belite-sulfoaluminate clinker, Geoloski zbornik 24, 23 Postovanje slovenskih geologov, 31 mart, Ljubljana, 2017

23. B.Angjusheva, E.Fidanchevska, V.Ducman, Lj. Vladicevska, Production of ceramics using bottom ash and fly ash from a thermal power plant, International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Conference Segment on Concrete with Supplementary Cementitious Materials, 22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

22. E.Fidanchevski, J.Bossert, B.Angjusheva, V.Jovanov, V.Srebrenkoska, Sintering of ceramics based on mechanically activated fly ash, International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Conference Segment on Concrete with Supplementary Cementitious Materials, 22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

21. D.Ivanova, M.Doneva, E.Fidanchevska, The role of mechanical activation on the microstructure of ceramics, MSST X, 1-6.11.2015, Novi Sad, Serbia

20. V. Jovanov, B.Angjusheva, K. Pantovic, E. Fidancevska, Design of microstructure of ceramics based on waste fly ash and clay, XXIII International Conference ECO-IST’15, 17-20 June 2015 Kopaonik, Serbia

19. B.Angjusheva, V. Jovanov, V.Srebrenkoska, E.Fidancevska,Glass-ceramics composites fabricated from coal fly ash and waste glass,The 27-th Conference of the Israel Nuclear Societies, February, 11-13, 2014 Dead Sea Israel

18. E.Fidancevska, V. Jovanov, B.Angjusheva, V.Srebrenkoska, Composites Based on fly ash and clay, The 27-th Conference of the Israel Nuclear Societies, February, 11-13, 2014 Dead Sea Israel

17. B.Angjusheva,V.Jovanov. E. Fidancevska, K. Lisichkov, Optimization of the process of production of ceramics from waste coal ash and clay, XXI International Scientific and Professional Meeting, ECO-IST’13, 4-7 June 2013, Bor, Serbia

16. V. Srebrenkoska, E.Fidancevska, V. Jovanov, B.Angjusheva, Sustainable Technology and Natural Environment, XXI International Scientific and Professional Meeting, ECO-IST’13, 4-7 June 2013, Bor, Serbia

15. V.Srebrenkoska, E.Fidancevska,
Environmental issues in materials science and engineering, XIV YuCorr International conference, 17-20 April 2012, Tara Mountin, Serbia (Proceeding pp.196-201)

14. B. Angjusheva, E. Fidancevska, K. Lisichkov, V.Jovanov, Optimization of the process of consolidation for fly ash ceramic, XIV YuCorr, 17-20 April 2012, Tara, Serbia

13. V.Srebrenkoska, K.Lisickov, E.Fidancevska, J.Blazevska-Gilev, Sustainable technologies as a basis for cleaner production, XIV YuCorr International conference, 17-20 April 2012, Tara Mountin, Serbia (Proceeding pp.202-206)

12. E.Fidancevska, W.Hoeflinger, R.Grujic, V.Srebrenkoska, J.Blazevska-Gilev, Sustainable development in materials engineering, Međunarodni naučni skup “Obnovljivi izvori energije i održivi razvoj”, APEIRON, 2-3 Juni, 2011, Banja Luka, (Bosnia and Hercegovina) (Proceeding pp.74-77)

11. K.Lisickov, E.Fidancevska, R.Grujic, V.Srebrenkoska, S.Kuvendziev, Sustainable development of green solvent separation processes, Međunarodni naučni skup “Obnovljivi izvori energije i održivi razvoj”, APEIRON, 2-3 Juni, 2011, Banja Luka, (Bosnia and Hercegovina) (Proceeding pp. 111-118)

10. V.Srebrenkoska, M.Van Acker, M.Jasic, E.Fidancevska, R.Grujic, Sustainable technologies and alternative energy sources in food industry, Međunarodni naučni skup “Obnovljivi izvori energije i održivi razvoj”, APEIRON, 2-3 Juni, 2011, Banja Luka, 2011 (Bosnia and Hercegovina) (Proceeding pp. 199-206)

9. B.Angusheva, E.Fidancevska, R.Adziski, V.Jovanov, Characterization of sintered ceramic from fly ash, II International Congress ″Engineering, Ecology and Materials in the Processing Industry″ Jahorina, March 9th to 11th, 2011, (Bosnia and Hercegovina) (Proceeding pp. 1257-1264)

8. E.Fidancevska, V.Vassilev, Polucanie na TiO2, Al2O3 i SiO2 crez kohidroliza i zol-gel metod, 20th Aniversary International Scientific Conference, 3-4th Juni 2010, Stara Zagora, (Bugaria) (Proceeding pp. 7-16)

7. R.Adziski, E.Fidancevska, D.Milovski, The effect of MgO addition on thr synthesis of mullite from rice husk ash and technical alumina, 8th Scientific/Research Symposium with International Participation, Metallic and nonmetallic materials: production-propertirs-applications, April 27-28th, Zenica, 2010 (Bosnia and Hercegovina) (Proceeding pp. 78-83)

6. V.Vassilev, S.Boycheva, E.Fidancevska, Air pollution with gasseous emmisions and methods for their removal, Preceeding of the international scientific confrerence – FMNS, Vol. 2, South-west University Neofit Rilsky, Jun 3-7th, 2009, Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) (Proceeding pp. 73-80)

5. B.Anguseva, E.Fidancevska, R.Adziski, Influence of mechanical activation on the properties of dense ceramic materials obtained from fly ash, Preceeding of the international scientific confrerence – FMNS, Vol. 2, South-west University Neofit Rilsky, Jun 3-7th Blagoevgrad, 2009 (Bulgaria) (Proceeding pp. 94-99)

4. R.Adziski, E.Fidancevska, V.Vassilev, Obtaining of active silica from rice hisk, Influence of mechanical activation on the properties of dense ceramic materials obtained from fly ash, Preceeding of the international scientific confrerence – FMNS, Vol. 2, South-west University Neofit Rilsky, Jun 3-7th, 2009, Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) (Proceeding pp. 15-20)

3. L.Aljihmani, V.Vassilev, T.Hristova Vassileva, E.Fidancevska, Physicochemical properties of new As2Sse-CdTe glasses, Preceeding of the international scientific confrerence – FMNS, Vol. 2, South-west University Neofit Rilsky, Jun 3-7th, 2009, Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) (Proceeding pp. 30-34)

2. E.Fidancevska, D.Spaseska, R.Adziski, M.Milosevski, V.Vassilev, T.Hristova-Vasileva, M.Koleva, Obtaining of highly dense and porous Al2O3, International Scientific Conference, November 21-28 20th 2008, Gabrovo, (Bugaria) (Proceeding pp.452-454)

1. E.Fidancevska, R.Adziski, D.Milosevski, M.Milosevski, V.Vassilev, Lj. Aljihmani, G.Vassilev, Synthesis, Consolidation and properties of dense and porous TiO2, International Scientific Conference, November 21-28th 2008, Gabrovo, (Bulgaria) (Proceeding pp.455-458)

Стручни трудови:

1.С.Богоевски, Е.Фиданчевска, С.Зафировски, В.Јованов, Б.Бошковски, Студија за технолошките испитувања на керамичка глина од АД ИГМ Еленица Струмица,ТМФ, 2008

2.Е.Фиданчевска, С.Богоевски, С.Зафировски, Р.Аџиски, В.Јованов, Б.Босковски , Студија за технолошките испитувања на глини од локалитетот Ајватовци Скопско, ТМФ, 2008

3.Е.Фиданчевска, С.Богоевски, С.Зафировски, Р.Аџиски, В.Јованов, Извештај за лабораториските керамички испитувања на керамички глини од ликацијата БОКСАШ КОСОВА, општина Клин, Косово, ТМФ, 2008

4.Е.Фиданчевска, Р.Аџиски, В.Јованов, Извештај за испитување на керамички полочки од фабриката Ceramica Nova, Велес, ТМФ, 2008

5.Е.Фиданчевска, С.Зафировски, Извештај за квалитетот на санитарната керамика: физичко-хемиски особини според одредбите на МКС, ТМФ, 2008

Апстракти (од учество на конференции)

Abstracts (Conference/Symposium participation)

1. E. Fidanchevski, K.Šter, M. Mrak, M. Rajacic, B. D. Koszo, A. Ipavec, K. Teran, G. Žibret, N. S. Aluloska,
L. Žibret, S. Dolenec, Radiological properties of alumina containing industrial residues as potential secondary raw materials, VIII. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment International Conference on Environmental
Protection, 4-7 October 2022 Vonyarcvashegy, Hungary

Билатерален македонско-австриски истражувачки проект “Еко-базирани алкално-активирани композити со додаток на рециклирани агрегати“, партнер на проектот TU Wien, финансиран од МОН (2022-2023) – учесник

Al-rich industrial residues for mineral binders in ESEE Region, EIT Raw Materials, 2019-2001 (national coordinator)

IAEA TC Project RER1020 “Developing Radiotracer Techniques and Nuclear Control Systems for the Protection and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and
Ecosystems” (2018-2021) – National Counterpart

IAEA Environmental Management and Remediation Project: NORM Project (2017) – National Counterpart

COST Action CA18112:Mechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry (Mech@SustInd)(2019-2023) (WG member)

COST Action CA15115: Mining the European Anthroposphere (MINEA) (2016-2020) (MC member)

COST Action CA15202: Self-healing As preventive Repair of COncrete Structures (2016-2020) (MC member)

COST Action 13001 NORM4Building (2013-2017) (MC member and STSM co-ordinator)

JP 2009 Creation of university-enterprise cooperation networks for education on sustainable technologies (158989-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-BE-TEMPUS-JPHES), 2010-1013 (local co-ordinator)

Synthesis-Structures- Properties of poly component ceramic systems produced by the method of controlled co hydrolysis, Bilateral Project with University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria. Financing Fund: Ministry of Education and Science of Macedonia and Ministry of Science of Bulgaria, 2009-2011. (co-ordinator)

Synthesis, characterization and application of Nano dimensional non stehiometrical titania – Magnelly phases, Ministry of education and science, 2010-2012 (participant)

Introduction of EU Directives in Macedonian agricultural policy and support to cooperation in the Agro and Food sector, financed from GTZ GmbH, Germany (participant)

Reuse of Industrial Mineral Waste for Waste Water Treatment and Improvement of Landfilds, Fifth Framework program – INCO COPERNICUS, 2002-2006 (participant)

Valorization of industrial waste for ecological pourposes – Financing fund: Ministry of education and Science, R. of Macedonia, 2002-2004 (participant)

New Materials Based on Metallurgical Slag”, Bilateral Project with University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria. Financing Fund: Ministry of Education and Science of Macedonia and Ministry of Science of Bulgaria, 2005-2007 (participant)

Consolidation of transitional alumina, Financing fund: Ministry of education and Science, R. of Macedonia, 2006-2008 (participant)

EUREKA 294 PROJECTS (1995-2001) participant
– Creation of highly porous structure of bioinert ceramic materials

– Non-conventional technologies for production of ceramics biomaterials

– Bioactive – bioinert composite bio ceramic

– Sintering and creation of highly porous structure of bioactive materials

Bilateral Macedonian – German projects (participant)
– Thermo physical properties of binary oxide systems
– New materials based on metallurgical slag
– Preparation of highly porous conductive titania


1. II nagrada za poster prezentacija :
E.Fidancevska, J.Bossert, V.Vassilev, R.Adziski, M.Milosevski, Design of Ceramic Microstructure of Nanoscaled Transitional Alumina, NATO Advanced Study Institute, Sozopol, Bulgaria, May 31 – June 12, 2008 (oral presentation)

3.Вештак од областа на технолошкото инженерство, 15.05.2011

англиски (активно), германски

планинарење, литература

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