Д-р Ирена Мицкова, редовен професор

Д-р Ирена Мицкова, редовен професор

Д-р Ирена Мицкова, редовен професор
Институт: Хемиско и контролно инженерство
email: mickova@tmf.ukim.edu.mk
тел: +3892 30 88 204

Технолошко-металуршки факултет
1995 – дипломиран инженер
2001 – магистер на технички науки
2006 – доктор на технички науки

– волонтер во Институтот за сточарство при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј”- Скопје 1998

– демонстратор на предметот Основи на инженерска техника на ТМФ-Скопје 1999-2000

– помлад асистент по предметот Основи на инженерска техника на ТМФ-Скопје 2000-2003

– асистент по предметите Основи на инженерска техника 1 и Основи на инженерска техника 2 на ТМФ-Скопје 2003-2007

– насловен доцент по предметите Основи на инженерска техника 1, Основи на инженерска техника 2 на додипломски студии и Eлектрохемиска и хемиска површинска обработка на металите, Eлектрохемија на полупроводници и Управување со околина на последипломски студии на ТМФ-Скопје 2008-2013

– вонреден професор по предметите основи на инженерска техника, инженерско цртање, инженерство на површини и катализа и катализатори на додипломски студии и електрохемиска и хемиска површинска обработка на металите, електрохемија на полупроводници, општа екологија, дизајн на хемиски продукти и одбрани поглавја од катализа на последипломски студии на ТМФ-Скопје 2013-

– редовен професор по предметите основи на инженерска техника, инженерско цртање, инженерство на површини и катализа и катализатори на додипломски студии и електрохемиска и хемиска површинска обработка на металите, електрохемија на полупроводници, општа екологија, влијание на отпадните води врз животната средина и заштита и одбрани поглавја од катализа на последипломски студии на ТМФ-Скопје 2018-

– Institut of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, TU Dresden, Germany, 2002

– Dipartimento di Engigneria Chimica dei Processi e dei Materiali, Universita di Palermo, Italy 2008

1. Oснови на инженерска техника
2. Инженерско цртање
3. Инженерство на површини
4. Катализа и катализатори

1. Електрохемиска и хемиска површинска обработка на металите
2. Електрохемија на полуспроводници
3. Одбрани поглавја од катализа
4. Општа екологија
5. Индустриска екологија
6. Влијание на отпадните води врз животната средина и заштита

1. I. Arsova, A.Prusi – Electrochemical polishing of Niobium – XI Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia , EL-P1, 130-131, (2002)

2. I. Arsova, A.Prusi – Electrochemical passivation of Niobium, XII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, El-02, 124-125, (2002)

3. I. Mickova – APPLICATION OF ELECTROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN WASTE WATER TREATMENT PROCESSES, A New Scientific Approach for Improvement and Appropriate Managment of Wastewater Systems in the Republic of Macedonia, 4th workshop, 20th to 23rd March, 2013, Vienna

4. Irena Mickova – ELEKTROKOAGULACIJA, ELEKTROFLOKULACIJA I ELEKTROFLOTACIJA, Novi trendovi vo elektrohemija i vodeni resursi – naucen sostanok, 26.06.2014, Skopje

5. Irena Mickova – Electro-coagulation as advanced technology in wastewater treatments, Ecological truth, ECO-IST ’14, XII International Conference, 10-13 june 2014, Bor, Serbia

6. M. Arsov, I.Mickova, Lj.Arsov – Calculation of water balance from the hydro-geological Prespa Lake basin,Ecological truth, ECO-IST ’14, XII International Conference, 10-13 june 2014, Bor, Serbia

Печатени трудови:

1. A.Buzarovska, I.Arsova and Lj.Arsov – Electrochemical synthesis of poly(2-methyl aniline): electrochemical and spectroscopic characterization – Journal of Serbian Chemical Society 66(1), 27-37, (2001)

2. I.Arsova, A.Prusi and Lj.Arsov – Ellipsometric study of anodic oxide films formed on Nb surfaces – Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 7, 217-222 (2003) Springer Verlag

3. I.Arsova, A.Prusi, T.Grcev and Lj.Arsov – Electrochemiacl characterization of the passive films formed on niobium surfaces in H2SO4 solutions – Journal of Serbian Chemical Society 71 177-187 (2006)

4. I.Mickova, A.Prusi, T.Grcev and L.Arsov – Electrochemical polymerization of aniline in presence of TiO2 nano-particle – Bulletin of Macedonian Chemists and Technologists 25, 45-50 (2006)

5. I.Mickova, A.Prusi, T.Grcev and Lj.Arsov – Active/passive transition of niobium in strong acide and alkaline solutions – Portugal Electrochimica Acta 24, 377-385 (2006)

6. I.Mickova, A.Prusi, T.Grcev and Lj.Arsov – Electrochemical passivation of niobium in KOH solutions – Croatica Chimca Acta 79, 527-532 (2006)

7. I.Mickova, A.Prusi,T.Grcev and Lj.Arsov – Electrochemical poly -merization of aniline in presence of TiO2 nano particle – Bulletin of Macedonian Chemists and Technologists 25, 45-50 (2006)

8. Irena Arsova, Ljubomir Arsov, Niels Hebestreit, Andreas Anders, Walfried Plieth – Electrochemical formation of anodic oxide films on Nb surfaces: ellipsometric and Raman spectroscopical studies –
J Solid State Electrochem 11, 209-214 (2007)

9. Irena Mickova – Photoelectrochemical investigations of thermally formed films on titanium surfaces – Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 28, 181-188 (2009)

10. Irena Mickova – Photoelectrochemical study of anodically formed oxide films on niobium surfaces – Croatica Chimica Acta 83 , 113-120 (2010)

11. Irena Mickova – Semiconducting Properties of Thermally-Formed Films on Niobium Surfaces – International Review of Chemical Engineering (IRECHE)Vol.2 N.6,692-700(2010)

12. Irena Mickova – Electrochemical and Corrosion Behavior of Niobium in Corrosive Media – International Review of Chemical Engineering (IRECHE)Vol.3 N.5,550-562(2011)

13. Irena Mickova, Dragica Camovska, Ljubomir Arsov – Fotoelektrohemiska ispitivanja tankih filmova formiranih na Nb elektrodama u alkalnim rastvorima – Zastita Materujala (Materials Protection) 53 (2012) broj1, 41-44 (2012)

14. Irena Mickova – Reflectivity from electrochemically protected Nb surfaces – Zastita Materujala (Materials Protection) 2, 159-163 (2015)

15. Irena Mickova – Advanced Electrochemical Technologies in Wastewater Treatment Part I: Electrocoagulation – American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, VOLUME 14, ISSUE 2, 233-257 (2015)

16. Irena Mickova – Advanced Electrochemical Technologies in Wastewater Treatment. Part II: Electro-Flocculation and Electro-Flotation – American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, VOLUME 14, ISSUE 2, 273-294 (2015)

17. Ljubomir Arsov, Irena Mickova – Ellipsometric study of passive and anodic oxide films formed on Ti and Nb electrodes – Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering
Vol 5, No 4, 221-230 (2015)

18. Irena Mickova – Electrochemical Behavior of Tantalum in Potassium Hydroxide Solutions, Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering, 8(4), 291-301 (2018)

19. A. Petrovski, P. Perica Paunović*, A. Grozdanov, A. T. Dimitrov, I.Mickova, G. Gentile, M.Avella, Electrochemical polymerization and in situ characterization of PANI in presence of chemically modified graphene, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Vol. 52, Special Issue E, pp.41-48, 2020, (IF=0,23)

Трудови презентирани на конгреси и симпозиуми:

1. I. Arsova, A.Prusi – Electrochemical polishing of Niobium – XI Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia , EL-P1, 130-131, (2002)

2. I. Arsova, A.Prusi – Electrochemical passivation of Niobium, XII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, El-02, 124-125, (2002)

3. I.Arsova, A.Buzarovska, A.Prusi and Lj.Arsov – Electrochemical and optical studies of anodized Nb surfaces, as high performance material – 15-th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA (2002) Praha

4. A.Buzarovska, I.Arsova and Lj.Arsov – Separation of low weight fractions of polythi- ophene and its derivatives by HPLC method – 15-th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA (2002) P3.130, 333 Praha

5. I.Arsova, A.Prusi and Lj.Arsov – Chemical composition of electrochemically formed passive films on Nb surfaces – 3-rd International Conference of Chemical Societies of the Soth-Eastern European Countries on Chemistry in the New Millennium – an Endless Frontier Book of Abstracts vol. I OP 068, 98, Bucharest, Romania (2002)

6. Z.Koneska and I.Arsova – Raman spectrosopy used for structural investigations of anodically formed ZrO2 – Balkan Metallurgycal Conference 357 (2003) Ohrid

7. Z Koneska, I Arsova and N. Petrovska – Semiconducting properties of oxide films formed on valve metal electrodes – 4th International Conference of the Chemical Society of the South-East European Countries ICOSECS 4, Book of Abstract Vol. II, A-P 59, 89 (2004) Beograd

8. I. Arsova, Z. Koneska i Lj. Arsov – Koroziona otpornost niobiuma i cirkoniuma u jako agresivnim sredinama – XVI Simpozium o Elektrohemiji SCG, Knjiga Radova 21-22 (2004)

9. I. Arsova and Lj.Arsov – Spectro-electrochemical investigations of niobium and titanium oxides – ISE Meeting, Book of Abstracts I, 93, (2004) Thessaloniki

10. Irena Arsova, Niels Hebestraeit – Semiconducting properties of anodized niobium – VXIII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, ECH-10,415 (2004), Ohrid

11. Irena Arsova, Abdurauf Prusi – Open circuit potentials of mechanically polished and electropolished Nb in H2SO4, XVIII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, ECH-11, 417 (2004), Ohrid

12. I. Arsova, N.Hebestreit, N.Petrovska, A.Prusi, and Lj.Arsov – Oxides formed on titanium by mechanical polishing, electrochemical polishing , etching, anodizing and thermal treatment, XVIII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, ECH-11, 417 (2004), Ohrid

13. Irena Arsova, Nedka Petrovska, Abdurauf Prusi and Ljubomir Arsov – Electrochemical Formation and Degradation of Polyaniline on Titanium and Niobium Electrodes, 29-th International Conference on Solution Chemistry, BP2,144 (2005), Portoroz

14. Irena Arsova, Prusi Abdurauf and Ljubomir Arsov – Multi Step Electrochemical Reactions of Niobium Metal Surface in KOH Solutions, 29-th International Conference on Solution Chemistry, FP10,254 (2005), Portoroz

15. Z.Koneska, I. Mickova – Ellipsometric Investigation of Anodic ZrO2 Films Formed in H3PO4 Solution, 1st South East European Congress of Chemical Engineering, 228, (2005), Beograd

16. I.Mickova, Lj. Arsov – Barrier Properties of Anodically Formed Nb2O5, 1st South East European Congress of chemical engineering, Belgrade Serbia and Montenegro, Book of abstracts, 230, (2005)

17. Irena Mickova, Abdurauf Prusi, Todor Anovski and Ljubomir Arsov – Potentiodynamic studies of niobium electrode in KOH solutions, International Conference of the Chemical Societes of the South-East European Countries, (2006), Ohrid

18. Irena Mickova, Abdurauf Prusi and Ljubomir Arsov – Electrochemical preparation of niobium surfaces, IX Yucorr, Scientific-Professional Symposium, Proceedings, 350-353 (2007), Tara, Serbia

19. Martin Arsov, Elena Anovska and Irena Mickova – Surface protection of titanium by polymer coatings, IX Yucorr, Scientific-Professional Symposium, Proceedings, 354-358 (2007), Tara, Serbia

20. Irena Mickova, Prusi Abdurauf, Ljubomir Arsov – Electrochemical Formation of Semi- conducting Oxides for Solar Energy Conversion, Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS Int.Conf. on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems & Sustainable Development, Crete, Greece, July 24-26, 205-209, (2007)

21. Martin Arsov, Irena Mickova, Ljubomir Arsov – Thin Layers of Polyaniline/TiO2Nano-particles Using Electrochemical Deposition, Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS Int. Conf. on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems & Sustainable Development, Crete, Greece, July 24-26, 210 -212, (2007)

22. I.Mickova – Optical properties of electrochemically polished and anodized niobium surfaces, First Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South-East Europe, Rovinj, Croatia, May 4-8, 123-124, (2008)

23. I.Mickova, Lj.Arsov – Raman spectra of anodized valve metal electrodes, First Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South-East Europe, Rovinj, Croatia, May 4-8, 393-395, (2008)

24. Irena Mickova, Ljubomir Arsov – Structural study the form anatase of titanium oxides, XX Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia & V Congress of the Metallurgists of Macedonia, Ohrid (2008)

24. Irena Mickova, Abdurauf Prusi – ,Semiconducting properties of thermally formed niobium oxides, – XX Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia & V Congress of the Metallurgists of
Macedonia, Ohrid (2008)

25. Irena Mickova, Dragica Camovska, Ljubomir Arsov – Photoelectrochemical investigations of thin films formed on Nb electrodes in alkaline solutions, XI Yucorr International Conference, Tara 17-20 May, 255-259 (2009)

26. I.Mickova – Influence of cathodic polarization on the stability of Nb electrode in mineral acids, 13 th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Antalya-Turkey 18-23 october, 191 (2009)

27. I.Mickova and Lj.Arsov – Surface metal investigations with micro-Raman spectroscopy, 13 th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Antalya-Turkey 18-23 october, 193 (2009)

28. Irena Mickova, Dragica Camovska and Ljubomir Arsov – Determination the reflection at Brewster’s angles from the Nb surfaces protected against corrosion, XII Yucorr International Conference, Tara 18-21 May, 120-122 (2010)

29. Martin Arsov, Elena Anovska Jovceva, Irena Mickova, Todor Anovski – Influence of the rainfall – evaporation balance to the water level of big Prespa lake, XII Yucorr International Conference, Tara 18-21 May, 123-124 (2010)

30. Irena Mickova, Abdurauf Prusi, Ljubomir Arsov – Dielectric constants, optical conductivities and reflectivity of some valve metal electrodes, XXI Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Ohrid 23- 26 September, 19 (2010)

31. Martin Arsov, Elena Anovska, Irena Mickova, Todor Anovski – Evapo-transpiration from catchment area of Big Prespa Lake, XXI Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Ohrid 23- 26 September,66 (2010)

32. Slavica Todorova, Irena Mickova, Darko Dimitrovski, Bozidar Ristovski, Mirjana Bocevska – Effect of packaging and lighting on changes in appearance, taste, odor and nutritive value of full fat pasteurized milk during storage, XXII Congressmof Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Ohrid 05-09 September, 139 (2012)

33. Irena Mickova, Ljubomir Arsov – Pitting corrosion behaviors of niobium and titanium , XXII Congressmof Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Ohrid 05-09 September, 158 (2012)

34. Martin Arsov, Elena Anovska Jovcheva, Todor Anovski, Irena Mickova – Evaluation of key parameters influencing the water level of lake Prespa, 4-th Congress of the Republic of Macedonia with International participation, Ohrid 12-15 October, 149-150 (2012)

35. Irena Mickova, Ljubomir Arsov – Ellipsometric study of passive films formed on Ti and Nb electrodes in various concentrations of H2SO4 solutions, 15 YuCorr international conference, 17-20 septembar, Tara, Serbia, 32-33, (2013)

36. Martin Arsov, Elena Anovska Jovceva, Irena Mickova – Calculation of difference between underground waters inflow in big prespa lake and karstic waters outflow, 15 YuCorr international conference, 17-20 septembar, Tara, Serbia, 51, (2013)

37. Irena Mickova – The investigation of valve metal electrodes as n-type semiconductors, X simpozium Savremene tehnologije I privredan razvoj 22-23 Oktobar 2013, Leskovac, 177 (2013)

38. Irena Mickova, Ljubomir Arsov – The determination of the surface maters inflow in big Prespa lake, X simpozium Savremene tehnologije I privredan razvoj 22-23 Oktobar 2013, Leskovac, 154 (2013)

39. Irena Mickova, Ljubomir Arsov, Todor Anovski – TiO2 nano particles in electrochromic display effects of polymer coated electrodes, Industrial Technologies 2014, smart growth through research and innovation, 9-11 april 2014, Athens, Greece (2014)

40. Irena Mickova, Abdurauf Prusi, Ljubomir Arsov – Ellipsometric study of corrosion reactions at the interface titanium KOH solutions, VI-th International metallurgical congress, 29.05-01.06.2014, Ohrid, Macedonia, 99 (2014)

41. Irena Mickova – Niobium in corrosive applications, VI-th International metallurgical congress, 29.05-01.06.2014, Ohrid, Macedonia, 100 (2014)

42. Irena Mickova – Optical properties of titanium-niobium-tantalum AE alloy, VI-th International metallurgical congress, 29.05-01.06.2014, Ohrid, Macedonia, 101 (2014)

43. Irena Mickova – Electro-coagulation as advanced technology in wastewater treatments, Ecological truth, ECO-IST ’14, XII International Conference, 10-13 june 2014, Bor, Serbia, 99-104 (2014)

44. M. Arsov, I.Mickova, Lj.Arsov – Calculation of water balance from the hydro-geological Prespa Lake basin,Ecological truth, ECO-IST ’14, XII International Conference, 10-13 june 2014, Bor, Serbia, 386-391 (2014)

45. Irena Mickova, Ljubomir Arsov – Reflectivity from electrochemically treated Ti surfaces, XXIII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 8-11 October 2014, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 95 (2014)

46. Irena Mickova – Surface preparation of Nb electrode for electrochemical deposition of polyaniline, XXIII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 8-11 October 2014, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 99 (2014)

47. Elena Anovska-Jovceva, Kiril Lisichkov,Dejan Dimitrovski, Irena Mickova, Kosta Anovski, , Stefan Kuvendziev, Nauf Baara, Todor Anovski – Environmental tritium an efficient tool in determination the mechanism of recharge and aquifer characheristic of spring waters, XX YuCorr, May 21-24, Tara Mountain, Serbia ,121-126 (2018)

48. Irena Micckova – Electrochromic display effects on polyaniline with TiO2 nano particles, VIIIth International Metallurgical Congress, Ohrid 2018

49. Irena Mickova – Electrochemical reactions at the interface tantalum-potassium hydroxide solutions, VIIIth International Metallurgical Congress, Ohrid 2018

50. Irena Mickova, Elena Anovska-Jovceva, Kiril Lisichkov, Dejan Dimitrovski, Stefan Kuvendziev and Mirko Marinkovski – Electro-flocculation as one of the advanced methods in waste water treatments, 26th International Conference Ecological Truth & Environmental Research, 12-15 June 2018, Bor Lake, Bor, Serbia 313-318 (2018)

51. Irena Mickova, Elena Anovska Jovcheva, Martin Arsov – DETERMINATION OF SPECIFIC DISCHARGE MODULES OF RIVERS AND CATCHMENT AREAS OF BIG PRESPA LAKE, 26th International Conference Ecological Truth & Environmental Research, 12-15 June 2018, Bor Lake, Bor, Serbia, 215-219 (2018)

1. Подобрување на нутритивната вредности на некои житни култури применети во исхрана на домашни животни, Институт за сточарство, 1997-1999

2. Популациони истражувања на реката Вардар, Институт за сточарство, 1997-1999

3. Идентификација и карактеризација на разни видови житарици од домашно потекло, Институт за сточарство, 1999-2001

4. Оптички и структурни својства на електрохемиски и термички добиени оксидни и композитни материјали, билатерален проект со Institut of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, TU Dresden, Germany, 2000-2003.

5. Electrochemical synthesis of barrier oxides onto valve metals, билатерален проект со Department of Chemical Ingeneering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA

6. Метал оксид политиофенски композитни материјали подготовка и карактеризација, биалтерален проект соInstitute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, TU Dresden, Germany, 2003-2006

7. Зајакнување на капацитети на одделот за полимерно и хемиско инженерство за карактеризација и тестирање на полимери, FP6 SSA-INCO проект финансиран од Европската Унија, 2006-2008

8 Студија на билансот на водите на Преспанското Езеро, билатерален Македонско – Албански проект :2006-2008

9. Adopting of the most appropriate wastewater treatment technologies in Republic of Macedonia focused on ecological and socio-economic aspects, UNESCO, 2008-2009

10. Хидролошко-трасерски истражувања на подземните води во скопската котлина со посебен осврт на потегот влив на река Лепенец во река Вардар до изворот Рашче (2009)

11. Хидролошко-трасерски истражувања на водите во Полошката котлина со посебен осврт на Жеденскиот масив на изворот Рашче (2009)

12. A New Scientific Approach for Improvement and Appropriate Management of Wastewater Systems in the Republic of Macedonia, Minsitry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia (2011-2012)

13. Modern Electrochemistry: from fundamentals to application, Scopes, SNSF (2011 – 2015)

14. Испитување и анализа на пречистителната станица за третирање на отпадни води во АД. Охис вклучувајки ги и комуналните отпадни води од населбата Пинтија (2013-2014)

15. Изотопско испитување на меѓусебната поврзаност и влијанијата на површинските и подземните води кои гравитираат кон изворот Рашче, финансирен од град Скопје (2013-2014)

16. The influence of Vardar river to the ground water recharge of Rasche spring, part of agenccy,s coordinate research project: estimation of groun water recharge and discharge using the 3H/3He dating technique, IAEA Wienna 2010-2015

17. Influence of phenolic exracts from medical plants on stability of anthocyanins from grape 2013-2014


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