Д-р Мирко Маринковски, редовен професор
22.01.2024 2024-01-22 15:12Д-р Мирко Маринковски, редовен професор
Д-р Мирко Маринковски, редовен професор
Институт: Хемиско и контролно инженерство
email: mirko@tmf.ukim.edu.mk
тел: +389 2 3088 264
доктор по технички науки
2020-денес редовен професор
2015-2020 вонреден професор
2010-2015 доцент
2006-2010 асистент
2001-2006 помлад асистент
2000-2001 демонстратор
-Training and Certification on Radiotracers and Gamma Scanning, 9-20.12.2019, Seibersdorf, Austria;
-Работилница-ПОПОВА ШАПКА 2014, Десеминација на проектните активности во рамките на проектот од програмата за инвестирање во животната средина за 2014 година;
-Работилница-ПЛАЧКОВИЦА 2013, Десеминација на проектните активности во рамките на проектот од програмата за инвестирање во животната средина за 2013 година;
-NATO-Advanced study Institute-Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors, 30.05-11.06, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria;
– International Workshop on Oxide and Non-oxide Materials for Optoelectronics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 21-22.12.2011;
– Ist Scientific meeting for progress in bilateral co-operation 2012, 26.04.2012, Skopje, Macedonia;
– IInd Scientific meeting for progress in bilateral co-operation 2012, 07.06.2012, Skopje, Macedonia;
-1 месец престој (6.10-5.11. 2009) на Institute for Process Fundamentals of the ASCR (ICPF), Institute of Chemical Processes (CAS), Czech Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic, проект на д-р Радек Фајгар, “Laser-induced Decomposition of Cobalt and Nickel Carbonyls for Preparation of Carbon Encapsulated Metal Nanopartcles (Czech Science Foundation Grants no. GA203/07/0546)
-2 месечен престој (05.05-04.07.2008) на Institute for Process Fundamentals of the ASCR (ICPF), Institute of Chemical Processes (CAS), Czech Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic, проект на д-р Радек Фајгар, “Laser-induced Decomposition of Cobalt and Nickel Carbonyls for Preparation of Carbon Encapsulated Metal Nanopartcles (Czech Science Foundation Grants no. GA203/07/0546)
-3 неделен престој на Универзитетот во Порто, Факултет за Инженерство, Порто, Португалија, во рамките на проектот TEMPUS JEP-16045-2001
-Математички методи во хемиското инженерство;
-Моделирање и оптимизација на процеси;
-Компјутерска поддршка на технолошки процеси;
-Економска оптимизација на технолошки процеси;
-Компјутерска поддршка во инженерство на материјали-изборен;
-Примена на софтвери во неорганска хемиска технологија-изборен
-Математичко моделирање на технолошки процеси;
-Топлинска и масена интеграција;
-Анализа и дизајн на реактори;
-Економска оптимизација на технолошки процеси;
-Економска оптимизација на технолошки процеси;
-Информациони процеси во менаџмент со квалитет;
-Проектирање на постројки за прочистување на отпадни гасови
-K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, (plenary lecture), Solubility of bioactive components in supercritical CO2. Artificial neural network modeling, VI International scientific-professional symposium “Environmental resources, sustainable development and food production” – OPORPH;
-Erhan Mustafa, Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Zoran Bozinovski, katerina Atkovska, The influence of working parameters of wastewater treatment plant on mosquito population, 1st International Conference on Political Decision Making and Vector-Borne Diseases – Interdisciplinary Research, Complexity and Bio-Mathematics, 4th -5th April 2019, Valenca, Portugal;
-Katerina Atkovska, Kiril Lisichkov, Erhan Mustafa, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Characterization of natural and modified zeolite (clinoptilolite). Potential mosquito repellent for advanced textile processing, 1st International Conference on Political Decision Making and Vector-Borne Diseases – Interdisciplinary Research, Complexity and Bio-Mathematics, 4th -5th April 2019, Valenca, Portugal;
-Kiril Lisichkov, Katerina Atkovska, Erhan Mustafa, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Peyman Ghaffari, Contemporary methods for water and wastewater treatment. Concept of SCADA control, Special Working Group Meeting for WG1, WG2 and WG6 at University of Aveiro Portugal, 10 – 11 October 2019;
-Katerina Atkovska, Erhan Mustafa, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Peyman Ghaffari, Kiril Lisichkov, Adsorption characteristics of modified natural zeolite as a potential mosquito repellent, Special Working Group Meeting for WG1, WG2 and WG6 at University of Aveiro Portugal, 10 – 11 October 2019;
-Erhan Mustafa, Katerina Atkovska, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Peyman Ghaffari, Kiril Lisichkov, Application of membrane separation technology for purification of wastewater. Optimal control for prevention of mosquito population, Special Working Group Meeting for WG1, WG2 and WG6 at University of Aveiro Portugal, 10 – 11 October 2019;
-Erhan Mustafa, Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Zoran Bozinovski, Enes Rifat, The influence of wastewater treatment plant on mosquito activity. Proposal for optimal control, COST CA16227 2nd General Scientific Meeting and 1st Workshop 1 -3 October 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia;
-Lisichkov K., Kuvendziev S., Dimitrovski D., Marinkovski M., SCADA Control of the Biological Wastewater Treatment Process in Aerated Lagoons, I International Conference “Ecology of Urban Areas 2011”, 30th September 2011 (invited lecture), Ecka, Serbia;
-Goran Nachevski, Mirko Marinkovski, Radmila Tomovska, Radek Fajgar, Preparation and characterization of TiO2 based photocatalysts by chemical vapor deposition, Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors, 30.05-11.06. 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria
-Mirko Marinkovski, Goran Nachevski, Radmila Tomovska, Perica Paunovic, Radek Fajgar, Comparision of photocatalytic activity of TiO2 anatase prepared by sol-gel technique and chemical vapor deposition onto aromatic compound naphthalene in a gas phase, Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors, 30.05-11.06. 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria
-R. Tomovska, M. Marinkovski, R. Fajgar, Current state of nanostructured TiO2-based catalysts preparation methods, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, 12-17 August 2006, Varna, Bulgaria
-Mirko Marinkovski, Liljana Markovska and Vera Meshko, Equilibrium Studies of Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions onto granular activated carbon and natural zeolite, Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Environmental Threats, 2006
-M. Marinkovski, V. Meshko, L. Markovska, Adsorption rate constants estimation of Cd and Pb onto granular activated carbon and natural zeolite with MATLAB software, 24-28 June 2006, Varna, Bulgaria
-M. Marinkovski, V. Meshko, L. Markovska, Equilibrium studies of Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions onto granular activated carbon and natural zeolite, 16-27 November 2005, Borovetz, Bulgaria
-Frosina Meshkova, Mirko Marinkovski, Tools and libraries for scientific calculations, Book of abstracts, V congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry for the Students oof Macedonia, 8-10 October, 2003
-L. Markovska, V. Meshko, M. Marinkovski, Dynamic process simulation by SPEEDUP, DAAD Summer Academy, Ohrid, 2000
Печатени трудови:
-S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, Z. Zeković, M. Marinkovski, Z. Musliu, Supercritical fluid extraction of fish oil from common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) tissues, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2018 (133), 528-534; (IF= 3,481);
-K. A. Burevska, H. Memedi, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, G. Ruseska, A. Grozdanov, Biosorption of nickel ions from aqueous solutions by natural and modified peanut husks: eqiulibrium and kinetics, Water and Environment Journal, 2018 (32-2), 276-284; (IF= 1,224);
-M. Ljatifi, J. Kuci, E. Ljatifi, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Cleaning polluted waters from ions Mn(II) with rice husk as a biosorbent, Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UT, 2018 (3.5-6), 47-53;
-A. Zendelska, M. Golomeova, Š. Jakupi, K. Lisičkov, S. Kuvendžiev, M. Marinkovski, Characterization and application of clinoptilolite for removal of heavy metal ions from water resources, Geologica Macedonica, 2018 (32.1), 21–32;
-H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, A. Reka, Separation of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions by Natural Bentonite: Equilibrium Study, Quality of Life, 2017 (8.1-2), 41-47;
-H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, A. Reka, Removal of Cr(VI) from Water Resources by using Different Raw Inorganic Sorbents, Quality of Life, 2016 (7.3-4), 77-85;
-S. Jakupi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Golomeova, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Removal of Ni(II) ions from Aqueous Solutions by Nanoporous Material, Quality of Life, 2016 (7.1-2), 29-35;
-S. Jakupi, K. Lisichkov, M. Golomeova, K. Atkovska, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, H. Memedi, Separation of Co(II) ions from Water Resources by Natural Zeolite (clinoptilolite), Material and Environment Protection, 2016 (1), 57-66;
-K. Lisichkov, L. Mahi, G. Zhezhov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Z. Bozhinovski, Design and analysis of the process of inceneration of stabilized sludge from combined wastewater sources, Material and Environment Protection, 2015 (1), 26-32;
-K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Zekovic, M. Marinkovski, Influence of operating parameters on the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of bioactive components from common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) viscera, Separation and Purification Technology, 138 (2014), 191-197 (и.ф.=3.534);
-S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, Z. Zekovic, M. Marinkovski, Artificial neural network modelling of supercritical fluid CO2 extraction of polyunsaturated fatty acids from common carp (Cypriunus carpio L.) viscera, J. of Supercritical fluids, 92 (2014), 242-248 (и.ф.=2.732);
-Z. Bozhinovski, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, D. Dimitrovski, K. Nikolovski, Adsorption of arsenates and arsenates from aqueous solutions by application of modified natural inorganic materials-a kinetic study, Materials Protection, 55, No. 2 (2014), p. 200-206;
-Z. Bozhinovski, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, D. Dimitrovski, K. Nikolovski, Equilibrium study for adsorption of arsenates and arsenates from aqueous solutions by application of modified natural inorganic materials, Quality of life, Vol. 5, Iss. 1-2 (2014), p. 46-52;
-K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Ljatifi, Gj. Zhezhov, M. Marinkovski, Analysis of the activated sludge wastewater treatment process by application of a process simulator, Natura Montenegrina, Vol. 12, No. 3-4 (2013), p. 995-1002;
-M. Marinkovski, P. Paunović, J. Blaževska Gilev, J. G. Načevski, Photodegradation of naphthalene by non-stoichiometric titanium oxides magneli phases, Advances in Natural Science: Theory & Applications, Vol. 1 No. 3 2012, p. 215-224;
-Goran Nacevski, Mirko Marinkovski, Radmila Tomovska and Radek Fajgar,Preparation and characterization of TiO2-based photocatalysts by chemical vapor deposition, Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced sensors, NATO Science for piece and Security series B: Physics and biophysics, 2010, Springer, p. 65-71;
-Mirko Marinkovski, Goran Nacevski, Radmila Tomovska, Perica Paunović and Radek Fajgar, Comparison of photocatalytic activity of TiO2 anatase prepared by sol-gel technique and chemical vapor deposition on naphthalene in the gas phase, Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced sensors, NATO Science for piece and Security series B: Physics and biophysics, Springer, 2010, p. 493-498;
-Zvezdelina Yaneva, Mirko Marinkovski, Liljana Markovska, Vera Meshko, Bogdana Koumanova, Dynamic studies of nitrophenols sorption on perfil in a fixed-bed column, Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 27 (2), 2008, p. 123-132;
-Radmila Tomovska, Mirko Marinkovski, Radek Fajgar, Current State of nanostructured TiO2-based Catalysts: Preparation methods, Nanotechnology-Toxicological Issues and Environmental Safety, Springer,2007, p. 207-229;
-Mirko Marinkovski, Liljana Markovska and Vera Meshko, Equilibrium Studies of Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions onto granular activated carbon and natural zeolite, Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Environmental Threats, Springer, 2006, 477-486
-M. Marinkovski, L. Markovska, V. Meshko, Experimental study and modeling of Zinc adsorption by granular activated carbon and natural zeolite, IJEP, 27(4), 2006, p. 285-299;
-M. Marinkovski, L. Markovska, V. Meshko, Modeling of Adsorption Kinetic of Zinc Onto Granular Activated Carbon and Natural Zeolite, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 71(8-9) 957-967, 2006;
-L. Markovska, V. Meshko, M. Marinkovski, solid diffusion control of the adsorption of basic dyes onto granular activated carbon and natural zeolite in fixed-bed columns, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 66(7), 2001, p.463-475.
2. Учество на меѓународни научни собири:
-E. Mustafa, K. Atkovska, F. Aliu, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, A. Tomova, K. Lisichkov, Characterization of drinking water springs for the city of Skopje, Knowledge-International Journal, 2019 (34.3), 645-650;
-V. Bezhovska, F. Aliu, K. Atkovska, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, M. Šmelcerović, K. Lisichkov, Separation of Heavy Metals from Water Resources by Different Natural Adsorbents, Knowledge-International Journal, 2019 (31.3), 703-709;
-K. Atkovska, S. Jakupi, F. Aliu, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, K. Lisichkov, Adsorption Characteristics of Natural Porous Sorbents, Knowledge-International Journal, 2019 (31.3), 647-652;
-V. Bezhovska, E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, K. Atkovska, Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies on the Removal of Mn2+ ions from Aqueous Solutions by Perlite, Knowledge-International Journal, 2019 (30.4), 1079-1084;
-M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, K. Atkovska, F. Aliu, E. Mustafa, S. Jakupi, Peyman Ghaffari, Kiril Lisichkov, Biosorption of Mn(II) ions from Water Solutions by Natural Sorbent. Kinetic modeling, Knowledge-International Journal, 2019 (30.3), 525-530;
-T. Anovski, E. Anovska-Jovcheva, K. Lisichkov, D. Dimitrovski, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, I. Mickova, Environmental Stable (O,H) Isotope Distribution in Local Hydrological Cycle and its Application in Determination the Origin of Water in the Observed Water Supply Systems, 40th International Conference Vodovod i Kanalizacija ’19, Proceedings, 2019, 239-245;
-E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, K. Atkovska, S. Jakupi, Qualitative and Quantitative Characterization of the Wastewater from Airport Terminals, 39th International Conference Vodovod i Kanalizacija ’18, Proceedings, 2018, 291-297;
-E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, A. Radevski, Characterisation of Wastewater from Urban Commercial Building, Knowledge – International Journal, 2018 (22.4), 1007-1011;
-V. Bezhovska, E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, K. Atkovska, Separation of Mn(II) ions from Water Solutions by Perlite, Knowledge – International Journal, 2018 (26.5), 1445-1449;
-K. Lisichkov, E. Mustafa, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, N. Baara, S. Jakupi, Biosorption of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution by Sunflower Seed Husks, Knowledge – International Journal, 2018 (23.5), 1709-1713;
-E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, P. Ghaffari, M. Marinkovski, S. Jakupi, Optimal Control of Biological Waste Water Treatment System, XX YuCorr, Tara Mountain, Serbia, 2018, 127-132;
-K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Z. Zeković, R. Grujić, Green Process for Extraction of Natural Products by Supercritical CO2 – Artificial Neural Network Modeling, V International Congress Engineering, Environment and Materials in Processing Industry, Proceedings, 2017, 50-59;
-E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, Study of Influence of Process Parameters on the Ceramic Membrane Module Permeability for Different Aqueous Solutions, V International Congress Engineering, Environment and Materials in Processing Industry, Proceedings, 2017, 145-154;
-Z. Musliji, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, R. Grujić, Profit Optimization in a Meat Processing Industry Using Linear Programming, V International Congress Engineering, Environment and Materials in Processing Industry, Proceedings, 2017, 294-300;
-K. Lisichkov, E. Mustafa, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, A. Radevski, R. Grujić, Z. Bozinovski, Design and management of urban wastewater treatment processes, Quality Fest 2017, Proceedings, 2017, 31-35;
-A. Slaveski, M. Stojchevski, H. Memedi, E. Mustafa, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, K. Lisichkov, Separation of Ni(II) ions from aqueous solution by a natural sorbent – trepel, Knowledge-International Journal, 2017 (19.4), 1591-1597;
-E. Mustafa, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozhinovski, K. Lisichkov, Characteristics and management of excess sludge generated in treatment of wastewater from a commercial object, Knowledge-International Journal, 2017 (19.4), 1757-1760;
-E. Mustafa, I. Selim, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, A. Radevski, S. Jakupi, Application od Zero Emission Concept in the Waste Water Treatment by Membrane Bio-reactor, 38th International Conference Vodovod i Kanalizacija ’17, Proceedings, 2017, 340-345;
-K. Lisichkov, Z. Saiti, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Design of a quality management information system in the food processing industry: Analysis of meat processing industrial capacities, Knowledge–International Journal, 2017 (17.3), 1337-1342;
-E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, E. Ljatifi, S. Jakupi, Design and Determination of Permeability Characteristics of Polymeric Membrane Module for Different Aqueous Solutions, 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference, Water for All, 2017, 98-105;
-K. Atkovska, H. Memedi, K. Lisichkov, G. Ruseska, S. Jakupi, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, A. Grozdanov, The Influence of the Municipal Solid Waste Landfill on the Quality of the Regional Water Resources, 37th International Conference Vodovod i Kanalizacija ’16, Proceedings, 2016, 262-266;
-K. Atkovska, H. Memedi, K. Lisichkov, G. Ruseska, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, A. Grozdanov, Equilibrium Study for the Process of Removal of Ni(II) ions from Aqueous Solutions by Natural Bentonite, V International Conference: Ecology of Urban Areas 2016, Proceedings, 2016, 292-297;
-H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, Z. Bozinovski, S. Kuvendziev, A. Reka, S. Jakupi, Application of Natural inorganic sorbent (PEMZA) for Removal of Cr(VI) ions from Water Resources, V International Conference: Ecology of Urban Areas 2016, Proceedings, 2016, 109-116;
-K. Atkovska, S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, G. Ruseska, A. Grozdanov, Removal of Ni(II) ions from Aqueous Solutions by Natural Peanut Husks, 2nd International and 6th Croatian Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, Proceedings, 2016, 1-12;
-H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, Z. Bozinovski, S. Kuvendziev, A. Reka, Investigation of the Possibility for Application of Natural Inorganic Sorbent (Aksil) for Heavy Metals Removal from Water Resources, 2nd International and 6th Croatian Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, Proceedings, 2016, 185-192;
-E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, Novel Trends in Wastewater Treatment by Using Membrane Bioreactors, V International Conference “Ecology of Urban Areas 2016”, Proceedings, 2016, 124-129;
-S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, D. Dimitrovski, The isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds from common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), 10th Symposium “Novel technologies and economic development”, 22-23 October, 2013, Leskovac, Serbia, Proceedings, p. 44-51;
-K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Gj. Zhezhov, G. Nachevski, S. Filip, Optimization of the green-process of ammonia removal from wastewater using nanoporous sorbent, III International Conference “Ecologu of Urban Areas 2013”, October 11th, 2013, Zrenjanin, Serbia, Proceedings, p. 225-230;
-Mirko Marinkovski, Perica Paunovic, Goran Nacevski, Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Determination of reaction order and limiting step of reaction rate of naphnthalene oxidation in presence of Cr-doped TiO2 photocatalyst obtained by chemical vapor deposition (CVD),2nd International Conference “Ecology of urban areas 2012”, 15th October 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia;
-Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Snezana Filip, Ljatifi Mahi, Mirko Marinkovski, Dejan Dimitrovski, Biosorption of heavy metals from aqueos solutions by microbial biomass, 2nd International Conference “Ecology of urban areas 2012”, 15th October 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia;
-Goran Nacevski, Kiril Lisichkov, Perica Paunovic, Mirko MArinkovski, Stefan Kuvendziev, Integrated impact assessment of technogenic and toxic substances on environmental quality in the industrial complex “Zelezara” Skopje, 2nd International Conference “Ecology of urban areas 2012”, 15th October 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia;
-Nikola Neskovski, Mirko Marinkovski, Anita Grozdanov, From plastic waste to energy, XXII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 05-09 September, Ohrid, Macedonia;
-Goran Nacevski, Mirko MArinkovski, Aleksandar Petrovski, Determination of kinetic parameters of heterogeneous sulphatization roasting process of manganese carbonate with ferro sulphate in isothermal conditions, XXII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 05-09 September, Ohrid, Macedonia;
-Lisichkov Kiril, Kuvendziev Stefan, Marinkovski Mirko, Dimitrovski Dejan, Najdenova Vasilka, Determination of optimal process regulator parameters for the system of activated sludge wastewater treatment, XXII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 05-09 September, Ohrid, Macedonia;
-Lisichkov Kiril, Conic Stela, Grujic Radoslav, Marinkovski Mirko,Kuvendziev Stefan, Green solvent extraction of fragrance components from Ocimum basilicum l., XXII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 05-09 September, Ohrid, Macedonia;
– M.Marinkovski, P.Paunovic, J.Blazevska Gilev, G.Nacevski, Photochemical degradation of naphthalene by non-stoichiometric titanium oxides (Magneli phases), International Workshop on Oxide and Non-Oxide materials for Optoelectronics, 21-22.12.2011, Sofia, Bulgaria;
-Lisichkov Kiril, Kuvenziev Stefan, Dimitrovki Dejan, Marinkovski Mirko, SCADA Control of the Biological Wastewater Treatment Process in Aerated Lagoons, I International Conference “Ecology of Urban Areas 2011”, 30th September 2011, Ecka, Serbia;
-Mirko Marinkovski, Perica Paunovic, Goran Nacevski, Radmila Tomovska, Photocatalytic oxidation of naphthalene in gas phase by sol-gel TiO2-photocatalyst, XXI Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Ohrid, 2010;
-Goran Nacevski, Mirko Marinkovski, Radmila Tomovska and Radek Fajgar, Preparation and characterization of TiO2-based photocatalysts by chemical vapor deposition, NATO Advanced Study Institute “Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors”, 30 May-11 June, Sozopol, 2010;
-Mirko Marinkovski, Goran Nacevski, Radmila Tomovska, Perica Paunovic and Radek Fajgar, Comparision of photocatalytic activityof TiO2 anataseprepared by sol-gel technique and chemical vapor deposition onto aromatic compound naphthalene in a gas phase, NATO Advanced Study Institute “Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors”, 30 May-11 June, Sozopol, 2010;
-Mirko Marinkovski, Radmila Tomovska and Radek Fajgar, UV-laser preparation and characterization of TiO2-based photocatalysts containing SiO2, XX Congress of Chemists and Technologysts of Macedonia, Ohrid, 2008;
-R. Tomovska, M. Marinkovski, R. Fajgar, Current state of nanostructured TiO2-based catalysts preparation methods, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, 12-17 August 2006, Varna, Bulgaria;
-Liljana Markovska, Mirko Marinkovski and Vera Meshko, Concentration-dependent diffusion of Zn(II) on granular activated carbon and natural zeolite, XIX Congress of Chemists and Technologysts of Macedonia, Ohrid, 2006;
-M. Marinkovski, V. Meshko, L. Markovska, Adsorption rate constants estimation of Cd and Pb onto granular activated carbon and natural zeolite with MATLAB software, 24-28 June 2006, Varna, Bulgaria;
-M. Marinkovski, V. Meshko, L. Markovska, Equilibrium studies of Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions onto granular activated carbon and natural zeolite, 16-27 November 2005, Borovetz, Bulgaria;
-M. Marinkovski, L. Markovska, V. Meshko, Modeling of cadmium (II) ions adsorption kinetic on natural zeolite and granular activated carbon, 1st South East European Congress of Chemical Engineering, SEECChE, 2005
-M. Marinkovski, L. Markovska, V. Meshko, Removal of Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions from aqueous solutions by granular activated carbon and natural zeolite, 1st South East European Congress of Chemical Engineering, SEECChE, 2005;
-M. Marinkovski, L. Markovska, V. Meshko, Modeling of adsorption of zinc onto granular activated carbon and natural zeolite, XVIII Congress of Chemists and Technologysts of Macedonia, Ohrid, 2004;
-L. Markovska, V. Meshko, M. Marinkovski, Dynamic process simulation by SPEEDUP, DAAD Summer Academy, Ohrid, 2000.
3. Учество на домашни научни собири:
-Gorjana Gjurchinovska, Mirko Marinkovski, Perica Paunovic, Radmila Tomovska, Radek Fajgar, TiO2 photocatalytic oxidation of naphthalene in gas phase, Book of abstracts of the VIII-th Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry for the students of Macedonia, Skopje, 2009;
-L. Markovska, V. Meshko, M. Marinkovski, Simulation of fixed-bed adsorption column with SPEEDUP, Book of abstracts of the IV-th Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry of the students of Macedonia, Skopje, 2000.
Учесник во меѓународен научен проект:
-Novel sensor based on Laser Ablated Graphene-NATO SfP-NSLAG, No. 984399, 2012-2015;
-A new scientific approach for improvement and appropriate management of waste water systems in Republic of Macedonia, bilateral project with Austria, 2011-2013;
-Adsorptive Removal of Toxic Organic Compounds and Heavy Metals from Wastewaters by Natural and Low Cost Adsorbents, Bilateral Macedonian-Bulgarian Project, Financing fund: Ministry of Science of Macedonia and Ministry of Science of Bulgaria, 2005-2007, Principal investigators: d-r Vera Meshko and d-r Ivan Pentchev
-Technology Transfer Center in Chemical Engineering and Textile Engineering, CD_TEMPUS-JEP-16045-2001, Contractor d-r Fernando Martins, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal. Coordinator d-r Liljana Markovska
Учесник во национален научен проект:
-Дизајн на процеси за екстракција на биоактивни компоненти од растителни суровини, 2019;
-Развој на процеси за валоризација на биомаса од природни отпадни суровини (моделирање и оптимизација), 2017;
-Синтеза, карактеризација и апликација на нанодимензионирани нестехиометриски оксиди-мањели фази, проект финансиран од Министерството за образование и наука на Р.Македонија, 2010-2012. Главен истражувач: д-р Перица Пауновиќ, вон.проф.
-Моделирање и симулација на атсорпција на тешки метали врз природни атсорбенти, Проект финансиран од Министерството за образование и наука на Р. Македонија, 2002-2004. Главен истражувач д-р Лилјана Марковска
Моделирање и симулација на реактор со симулиран движечки слој-примена на процесот на изомеризација и сепарација на ксилени, Проект финансиран од Министерството на образование и наука на Р. Македонија, 2000-2003. Главен истражувач д-р Вера Мешко
Англиски, Германски
моделирање на технолошки процеси; прочистување на отпадни води и гасови; нанотехнологии