Д-р Билјана Анѓушева, редовен професор
27.12.2023 2024-01-22 23:23Д-р Билјана Анѓушева, редовен професор
Д-р Билјана Анѓушева, редовен професор
Институт: Неорганска технологија
email: biljana@tmf.ukim.edu.mk
тел: ++ 389 (02) 3088 275
2012 Докторирала на ТМФ, Скопје
2005 Магистрирала на ТМФ, насока Нови материјали-неоргански материјали
2000 год. демонстратор на ТМФ
2003 год. помлад асистент на ТМФ
2006 год. асистент на ТМФ
2012 год. доцент на ТМФ
2017 год. вонр.проф. на ТМФ
2022 год. ред.проф. на ТМФ
Март 2011 Технолошки факултет,Нови Сад, Србија
Мај-Јуни 2015 ЗАГ, Љубљана, Словенија
Август-Септември 2015 Универзитет Хасселт, Белгија
Април-Мај 2016 Универзитет Панонија, Вешпрем, Маџарска
Февруари 2019 ЗАГ, Љубљана, Словенија
член на Сојузот на хемичарите и технолозите на Македонија
Општа и неорганска хемија 1
Општа и неорганска хемија 2
Горива и процеси на согорување
Стакло и стакло-керамика
Врзивни материјали
Печки во неорганска индустрија
Одбрани поглавја од неметална технологија
Список на трудови презентирани на конгреси, симпозиуми и советувања;
Biljana Angjusheva, Utilization of the industrial by-products for production of ceramics, XIV Students’ Congress of SCTM, 30 September -2 October 2021 Skopje, N. Macedonia (plenary lecture)
Biljana Angjusheva, Construction and demolition waste as secondary raw material, Training school Al-rich Industrial Residues for Inorganic Materials, 24-28 May 2021 Belgrade, Serbia
Biljana Angjusheva, Vilma Ducman, Emilija Fidancevska, (2020) The Effect of Glass Addition on the Properties of Ceramics Tiles Based on Clay and C&DW, MINEA Final Conference,University of Bologna, Bologna 20-21 February(poster presentation)
Biljana Angjusheva, Vojo Jovanov, Emilija Fidancevski, “Possible solution to valorize fly ash as secondary raw material” First national workshop “Al-rich industrial residues for mineral binders in ESEE region” 5 December 2019, Skopje, Macedonia
B.Angjusheva, V. Ducman, E.Fidancevska, V. Jovanov, (2019) Evaluation of the process parameters of ceramic produced from clay and C&DW, 1st International Conference on Advanced Production and Processing – ICAPP, Novi Sad 10-11 October(oral presentation)
Biljana Angjusheva, Industrial waste ceramic, “Ceramic vs.Polymers” BEST Summer Course, 10 July 2017, Skopje Macedonia
B.Angjusheva, E.Fidanchevska, V.Ducman, Lj. Vladicevska, Production of ceramics using bottom ash and fly ash from a thermal power plant, International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Conference Segment on Concrete with Supplementary Cementitious Materials, 22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
E.Fidanchevski, J.Bossert, B.Angjusheva, V.Jovanov, V.Srebrenkoska, Sintering of ceramics based on mechanically activated fly ash, International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, Conference Segment on Concrete with Supplementary Cementitious Materials, 22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmar
Sixt Balkan Conference on Glass Science & Technology, 1-4 October, 2014 Nessebar, Bulgaria,E.Fidancevska,B.Angjusheva, Waste Inertization Into Environmentally Friendly Glass-Ceramics,(oral presentation)
Sixt Balkan Conference on Glass Science & Technology, 1-4 October, 2014 Nessebar, Bulgaria, B.Angjusheva, E.Fidancevska, V.Jovanov, Optimization of Sintered Glass-ceramics Fabricated From Fly Ash and Waste Glass,(poster presentation)
EU-NORM 2, 17-19 June,2014 Prague, Czech Republic, B. Angjusheva, E. Fidancevska, K. Lisickov, V. Jovanov, V. Srebrenkoska, Optimization of the process of production of glass-ceramics from coal fly ash,(poster presentation)
EU-NORM 2, 17-19 June,2014 Prague, Czech Republic, Fidancevska, B. Angjusheva, V. Jovanov, V. Srebrenkoska, The Influence of the pre-treatment of fly ash on the properties of fabricated ceramics, (poster presentation)
VI-th International Metallurgical Congress, Metallurgy, Materials, Environment, 29.05-01.06 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia,E. Fidancevska, B. Angjusheva, V. Jovanov, Sintering of Fly Ash Based Ceramics, (poster presentation)
VI-th International Metallurgical Congress, Metallurgy, Materials, Environment, 29.05-01.06 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia, B.Angjusheva, V. Jovanov,E. Fidancevska, Characterization of glass-ceramics composites produced from coal fly ash and waste glass, (poster presentation)
3-rd Symposium of Environmental potential, Sustainable Development and Food Production, 14-15 November 2013, Tuzla, B.Angjusheva, K. Lisickov, E. Fidancevska, V. Jovanov, Comparative study of optimization of the process of fabrication of fly ash ceramics (poster presentation)
XXII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Ohrid 05-09 September, 2012, Biljana Angjusheva, Kiril Lisickov, Emilija Fidancevska, Vojo Jovanov,Fabrication of coal ash ceramics, Case study: Optimization of the main process parameters,(poster presentation)
XXI Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Ohrid 23-26 September, 2010, Biljana Angjusheva, Emilija Fidancevska, Ranko Adziski, Vojo Jovanov, Milosav Milosevski, “Production of Lightweight Ceramic Materials From Coal Fly Ash”. (poster presentation)
VIII th Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry for the Students of Macedonia (with international participation), Skopje, 8-10 October, 2009, “Effect of mechanical activation on the properties of sintered fly ash compacts”, Angjuseva Biljana , Emilija Fidancevska (oral presentation)
VIII th Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry for the Students of Macedonia (with international participation), Skopje, 8-10 October, 2009, “Determination of adsorption characteristics of synthetic zeolites”, Katerina Burevska, Angjuseva Biljana , Milosav Milosevski , (oral presentation)
The Seventh Students’ Meeting, SM-2007 Processing and application of ceramics, Novi Sad, 6-8 December, 2007, “Dense ceramics materials obtained from fly ash”, B.Angusheva, R.Adziski, E.Fidancevska, (oral presentation)
The Seventh Students’ Meeting, SM-2007 Processing and application of ceramics, Novi Sad, 6-8 December, 2007, “Fabrication of slag-glass composite with controlled porosity”, R.Adziski, B.Angusheva, E.Fidancevska, (oral presentation)
Книги и монографии:
Збирка задачи по општа и неорганска хемија(за студентите на технолошко-металуршкиот факултет)]- автор
J. Labrinsha, F. Puertas, W. Schroeyers, K. Kovler, Y. Pontikes, C. Nuccetelli, P.Krivenko, O. Kovalchuk, O. Petropavlovsky, M. Komljenovic, E. Fidanchevski, R. Wiegers, E. Volceanov, E. Gunay, M.A. Sanuán, V. Ducman, B. Angjusheva, D. Bajare, T. Kovacs, G. Bator, S. Schreurs, J. Aguiar, J.L. Provis, Chapter 7 “From NORM by-products to building materials” in Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Construction edited by Wouter Schoeyers, (2017) Woodhead Publishing – An imprint of Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-08-102009-8 (print), ISBN: 978-0-08-102008-1 -коавтор
B. Angjusheva, V.Jovanov, E. Fidanchevski, Topic “ASH” in monograph “Manual for Use of Al-rich Residues in Law CO2 Mineral Binders” published by Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Ljubljana 2020 -коавтор
V.Jovanov, B. Angjusheva, E. Fidanchevski, Topic “RECYCLING POSSIBILITIES” in monograph “Manual for Use of Al-rich Residues in Law CO2 Mineral Binders” published by Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Ljubljana 2020 – коавтор
Печатени трудови:
V. Jovanov, S. Vučetić, S. Markov, B. Angjusheva,E. Fidancevska, J. Ranogajec, Resistance to frost action and microbiological corrosion of novel ceramics composites, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quaterly, 29 (2) 99-109 (2023) DOI: 10.2298/CICEQ210904016J (IF=0.925)
Biljana Angjusheva, Vilma Ducman, Emilija Fidancevski, The Effect of Addition of Construction and Demilition Waste on the properties of Clay-besed Ceramics, Science of Sintering, 54 3 359-371 (2022) (IF= 1,172)
Biljana Angjusheva,Emilija Fidancevska, Glass-ceramics produced by vitrification of coal fly ash, Quality of Life, 12(3-4)85-92 (2021)
Biljana Angjusheva,Emilija Fidancevski, Vojo Jovanov, Conversion of coal fly ash into glass-ceramics by controlled thermal treatment, Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, (2021) Vol 40 No 2 , DOI: 10.20450/mjcce.2021.2429 (IF- 0.689)
Emilija Fidanchevski, Biljana Angjusheva Vojo Jovanov, Pece Murtanovski Ljubica Vladiceska, Nikolina Stamatovska Aluloska,Jelena Krneta Nikolic,Andrej Ipavec, Katarina Šter, Maruša Mrak, Sabina Dolenec, Technical and radiological characterisation of fly ash and bottom ash from thermal power plant, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10967-021-07980-w , (IF=1,371)
Biljana Angjusheva, Vilma Ducman, Monika Fidancevski, Vojo Jovanov, Optimizing Process Parameters of Clay-based Ceramics with addition of Construction and Demolition Waste, Advanced Technologies, Vol 10 2 (2021)
S. Kramar, L. Žibret, E. Fidanchevska , V. Jovanov , B. Angjusheva , V. Ducman, Use of fly ash and phosphogypsum for the synthesis of belite-sulfoaluminate clinker, Materiales de Construcción Vol. 69, Issue 333, January–March 2019, e176, https://doi.org/10.3989/mc.2019.11617
Biljana Angjusheva,Emilija Fidancevska,Vilma Ducman,Influence of the Main Process Parameters on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Bottom Ash Ceramics, Quality of Life, 7(3-4)59-65 (2016)Biljana Angjusheva,Emilija Fidancevska,Kiril Lisickov,Vojo Jovanov,Production of Glass-ceramics from Waste Materials and Optimization of the Main Process Parameters, Journal of Engineering&Processing Management, 8(1)73-79(2016)
Biljana Angjusheva,Emilija Fidancevska,Vojo Jovanov, Production and Characterization of Porous Ceramics From Coal Fly Ash and Clay, Quality of Life, 7(3-4)53-58 (2016)
Biljana Angjusheva,Emilija Fidancevska,Vilma Ducman,Influence of the Main Process Parameters on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Bottom Ash Ceramics, Quality of Life, 7(3-4)59-65 (2016)
Biljana Angjusheva, Vojo Jovanov, Kiril Lisickov, Emilija Fidancevska, Optimization of the process of production of ceramics from waste coal ash, Case study: The influence of the mechanical activation, Quality of Life, 4(1-2)20-25 (2013)
Angjusheva B., Fidancevska E., Jovanov V., Production of Ceramics from Fly Ash, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 18 (2) 245-254 (2012)(IF:0,58)
Biljana Angjusheva, Production and Characterization of Glass-Ceramics From Waste Materials, Quality of Life 2(1-2) 13-20 (2011)
R.Adziski, E.Fidancevska, B.Angjusheva, D.Milosevski, V.Vassilev, M.Milosevski, Industrial Waste As a Source For Fabrication of Composite Ceramics-Glass With a Controlled Porosity, Science of Sintering, . 40. 89-96 (2008)
Ranko Adziski, Emilija Fidancevska , Biljana Angjusheva, Vencislav Vassilev, Milosav Milosevski, Obtaining Porous Quarc sand-Glass Composite For Production Of Diffusers For Water Aeration, Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 27. No.1 35-40 (2008)
Ranko Adziski, Biljana Angjusheva, Emilija Fidancevska, Fabrication of slag-glass composite with controlled porosity, Processing and Application of Ceramics, 2 [1] 63-67 (2008)
Трудови печатени во зборници од конгреси;
Biljana Angjusheva, Emilija Fidancevski, Crystallization Behaviour of Vitreous Coal Fly Ash, Proceedings 14th Symposium ”Novel Technologies and Economic Development”, Leskovac, October 22-23 2021 pp 21-28
Emilija Fidanchevska, Pece Murtanovski, Biljana Angjusheva, Ljubica Vladicevska, Snezana Nenadovic, Katarina Šter, Lea Žibret, Andrej Ipavec, Sabina Dolenec, Potential Utilization of Fly Ash from Thermal Power Plants, International Conference on the Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Industry (CN-287) 19-30 October 2020 Vienna, Austria
N. Levkovski, L. Ilioski, B. Angjusheva, Optimization of the main process parameters of ceramics produced from clay and demolition waste, Proceedings of selected papers, The First International Students Scientific Conference ”Multidisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Research”, 25-26.11. 2017 Beograd
S.Petrovska, M. Fidancevska, B.Angjusheva, Production and characterisation of ceramics from clay and construction and demolition waste, Proceedings of selected papers, The First International Students Scientific Conference”Multidisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Research”, 25-26.11. 2017 Beograd
V. Jovanov, B.Angjusheva, K. Pantovic, E. Fidancevska, Design of microstructure of ceramics based on waste fly ash and clay, XXIII International Conference ECO-IST’15, 17-20 June 2015 Kopaonik, Serbia
B.Angjusheva, V. Jovanov, V.Srebrenkoska, E.Fidancevska,Glass-ceramics composites fabricated from coal fly ash and waste glass,The 27-th Conference of the Israel Nuclear Societies, February, 11-13, 2014 Dead Sea Israel
E.Fidancevska, V. Jovanov, B.Angjusheva, V.Srebrenkoska, Composites Based on fly ash and clay, The 27-th Conference of the Israel Nuclear Societies, February, 11-13, 2014 Dead Sea Israel
B.Angjusheva,V.Jovanov. E. Fidancevska, K. Lisichkov, Optimization of the process of production of ceramics from waste coal ash and clay, XXI International Scientific and Professional Meeting, ECO-IST’13, 4-7 June 2013, Bor, Serbia
V Srebrenkoska, E.Fidancevska, V. Jovanov, B.Angjusheva, Sustainable Technology and Natural Environment, XXI International Scientific and Professional Meeting, ECO-IST’13, 4-7 June 2013, Bor, Serbia
Biljana Angjusheva, Emilija Fidancevska, Kiril Lisichkov, Vojo Jovanov, Optimization of the process of consolidation for fly ash ceramic, XIV YuCorr, 17-20 April 2012, Tara, Serbia
Biljana Angjusheva, Emilija Fidancevska, Ranko Adziski, Vojo Jovanov, Characterization of Sintered Ceramic From Fly Ash, II International Congress “Engineering, Ecology and Materials in the Processing Industry” 09-11 March, Jahorina , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Biljana Angjusheva, Emilija Fidancevska, Ranko Adziski, Influence of Mechanical Activation on the Properties of Dense Ceramic Materials Obtained from Fly Ash, Third International Scientific Conference-FMNS2009, 3-7 June 2009
Biljana Angjusheva, Emilija Fidancevska, Ranko Adziski, Milosav Milosevski, Vencislav Vassilev, Lilia Aljihmani, “Glass-ceramics composites developed from coal fly ash and waste glass”, International Scientific Conference, 23-24 November,2007, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
1.“Еко-базирани алкално-активирани композити со додаток на рециклирани агрегати“, партнер на проектот TU Wien, финансиран од МОН (2022-2023). Раководител
2. JP 2009 Creation of university- enterprise cooperation networks for education on sustainable technologies (158989-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-BE-TEMPUS-JPHES), coordinator for UKUM-Emilja Fidancevska, (Participation as a member of a team)
3. INCO COPERNICUS REINTRO, Tehnolosko – metalurski fakultet, Skopje & Universitat Frierich Schiller, Jena, 2003-2006 god., Supervizor: Prof. Milosav Milosevski,(Participation as a member of a team)
4.COST Action 13001 NORM4Building (2013-2017) (WG member)