Д-р Стефан Кувенџиев, вонреден професор

Д-р Стефан Кувенџиев, вонреден професор

Д-р Стефан Кувенџиев, вонреден професор
Институт: Хемиско и контролно инженерство
email: stefan@tmf.ukim.edu.mk
тел: +389 2 3088-238

2014 Доктор по технички науки – Хемиско и контролно инженерство, Технолошко-металуршки факултет, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ Скопје

2009 Магистер по технички науки – Инженерство на животна средина, Технолошко-металуршки факултет, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ Скопје

2008 Дипломиран инженер технолог – Дизајн и менаџмент во хемиската индустрија, Технолошко-металуршки факултет, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ Скопје

2009 – Johnson Matthey Catalysts Macedonia

2009-2011 Макпетрол А.Д. Скопје

2011-2013 помлад ассистент ТМФ Скопје

2013-2015 ассистент ТМФ Скопје

2015-2020 доцент ТМФ Скопје

2020- вонреден професор ТМФ Скопје

– 2 месеци престој (2008 и 2009 година) на Универзитетот BOKU, Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control, Vienna, Austria, во рамките на билатерален проект со Технолошко-металуршкиот факултет Скопје, под покровителство нa Проф. Д-р. Томас Ертл. Изработка на Магистерски труд.

– 2 месеци престој (2013 година) на Технолошкиот факултет при Универзитетот во Нови Сад, Србија. Изработка на докторсдка дисертација.

1. MC член за COST CA18224-GREENERING, 2019-

2. Сојуз на хемичари и технолози на Македонија

3. B.EN.A – Balkan Environment Association

1. Основи на хемиски реакционо инженерерство

2. Анализа и синтеза на процеси

3. Моделирање во преработка на материјалите

4. Компјутеризирани мерења, автоматска регулација и мониторинг системи

5. Мерење и автоматска регулација во процесна индустрија

6. Дифузионо- сепарациони процеси

7. Процесна динамика и контрола

1. Анализа и дизајн на реактори

2. Сепарациони процеси

3. Влијание на отпадните води врз животната средина

4. Информациони системи во менаџмент со квалитет

1. Kiril Lisickov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Vasilka Najdenova, Study on quality of water resources in Prespa region, International conference of B.EN.A, Romania, 15-18 May 2008, Abstract volume, p.24, (oral presentation)

2. Kiril Lisickov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Vasilka Najdenova, Purifying Milk Industry’s Wastewater by applcation of membrane processes, International conference of B.EN.A, Romania, 15-18 May 2008, Abstract volume, p.87, (poster presentation)

3. S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, V. Najdenova, V. Raykov, Application of automatic control in water resources management, 4th International Environmental Conference of B.EN.A – Life Quality and Capacity Building in the frame of a Safe Environment, Katerini Greece, March 2009, Book of Abstracts p.24

4. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, V. Raykov, B. Lisickov, „Characterization of tomato waste as natural raw material for obtaining eco – extracts”, PS7 03, 2nd Symposium of Chemistry and Environment, Bar, Montenegro, September 16-19, 2009, Book of abstracts p. 92

5. Stefan Kuvendziev, Kiril Lisickov, „Application of SCADA systems in complex regulation of rural wastewater’s treatment”, PS4 03, 2nd Symposium of Chemistry and Environment, Bar, Montenegro, September 16-19, 2009, Book of abstracts p. 80

6. Stefan Kuvenxiev, Stefan Karastojanov, Kiril Lisi~kov, “Studirawe na dinamikata na procesot na pre~istuvawe na otpadni vodi pri razli~ni poremetuvawa na vleznite signali”, VIII Kongres po ~ista i primeneta hemija na studentite od Makedonija (so me|unarodno u~estvo), 8-10 Oktomvri 2009, Tehnolo{ko – Metalur{ki fakultet, Skopje, R.Makedonija, Kniga na apstrakti s. 32

7. Stefan Kuvenxiev, Kiril Lisi~kov, “Implementacija na sistemi za avtomatsko upravuvawe so koristewe na razli~ni kontinuirani tehniki i metodi”, VIII Kongres po ~ista i primeneta hemija na studentite od Makedonija (so me|unarodno u~estvo), 8-10 Oktomvri 2009, Tehnolo{ko – Metalur{ki fakultet, Skopje, R.Makedonija, Kniga na apstrakti s. 44

8. Stefan Kuvendziev, Kiril Lisichkov, Thomas Ertl, Todor Anovski, “Comparative analysis of the conventional processes of rural wastewater’ treatment with focus on energetical and economical aspects”, XII International Conference, 18.05-21.05.2010, Tara, R. of Serbia, Book of abstracts p.156

9. K. Lisichkov, E. Fidancevska, R. Grujic, V. Srebrenkoska, S. Kuvendziev, “Sustainable development of green solvent separation processes”, International scientific conference – Renewable energy sources and sustainable development, 02.06-03.06.2011, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of Abstracts p.90-91 (oral presentation)

10. Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, “Supercritical fluid CO2 extraction of bioactive antioxidants from natural raw materials”, 16th Summer University Tuzla 2011, “With food to health – International seminar – Dietetic products in health and disease”, 01.07.2011, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of abstracts p.40

11. L. Mitkova, R. Tašev, K. Lisičkov, S. Kuvendziev, A. Perkova “Sustainable development and process control of producing functional bakery products”, 16th Summer University Tuzla 2011, “With food to health – International seminar – Dietetic products in health and disease”, 01.07.2011, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of abstracts p.41

12. E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, Comparation of Permeability Characteristics of Flat Sheet Ceramic and Polymeric Membrane Module for Different Aqueous Solutions, 1st International Students’ GREEN Conference, Osijek, Croatia, 2018, 69 (Oral Presentation)

13. M. Stojchevski, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Optimization of Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Oil from White Mustard Seed, 1st International Students’ GREEN Conference, Osijek, Croatia, 2018, 223 (Oral Presentation)

14. S. Zekiri, E. Mustafa, Z. Bozinovski, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Drinking Water Springs for the City of Skopje, 1st International Students’ GREEN Conference, Osijek, Croatia, 2018, 226 (Oral Presentation)

15. H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Z. Bozinovski, K. Lisichkov, Removal of Cr(VI) ions from Aqueous Solutions by Natural Sorbent, 1stInternational Students’ GREEN Conference, Osijek, Croatia, 2018, 66 (Oral Presentation)

Автор на дел од монографија објавена во странство

1. S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, K. Lisichkov, P. Paunović, Artificial neural network modeling of Cd(II) ions adsorption on nano-porous inorganic sorbents, Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology 2015, Springer, p. 469-476 (2015)

Автор на поглавје во книга

1. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, Green chemistry and clean technologies, Book 1 Sustainable technologies, part of the Tempus project, 158989-Tempus-1-2009-1-BE-Tempus-JPHES “Creation of university-enterprise cooperation networks for education on sustainable technologies”, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad, Serbia, 186-194.

2. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Management and Modeling of Waste Water Treatment Systems, Progressive Engineering Practices in Marine Resource Management, IGI Global (2015), 77-116.

3. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Management and Modeling of Waste Water Treatment Systems,Hydrology and Water Resource Management: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, IGI Global (2017), 281-321.

Оригинални научни трудови:

1. Lisichkov K., Rusheva R., Kuvendziev S., Operations and processes in contemporary production of cold pressed vegetable oils by using of dynamic quality control, Revija agron. saznanja, 2008, 18 (5), p. 66-70

2. Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Zoltan Djarmati, Design of process – control schemes for isolation and purification of usnic acid – byproduct in perfume industry, Journal of Oil, Soap and Cosmetics, 2009, 58 (3), p. 37-43

3. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, V. Raykov, Design of the automatic control for the process of biological treatment of wastewater, P. of IF Resources, 2009, 27, p. 55-60

4. K.Lisichkov, V.S.Raykov, S.Kuvendziev, Application of modern precise ecotechnology process for separation of fish oil from animal samples, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), 2009, 10 (3), p. 760-773, (IF = 0.333)

5. Ertl, Th., Wippel, M., Prandtstetten, Ch., Kuvendziev St., Jung, H., Weissenbacher, N., Kretschmer, F., Anovski, T. , Evaluation of wastewater systems in rural areas of the Balkan region with focus on ecological and socio-economical aspects, Water Asset Management International, 2010, 6 (1), p. 22—27, (IF=1.394)

6. Kuvendziev S., Lisichkov K., Dimitrovski D., Optimization of the biological treatment process of rural wastewater by application of surface method, Natura Montenegrina, Podgorica, 2010, 9 (3), p. 731-738

7. D. Dimitrovski, Z. Bozinovski, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, Batch Adsorption of Nickel from Aqueous Solution by Natural Zeolite – Equilibrium Study , Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2011, 5 (6), p. 528-534, (IF=0.95)

8. Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Borce Lisichkov, Isolation of Tomato Seed Oil From Tomato Waste by Application of Supercritical Fluid CO2 Extraction, Quality of Life, Vol.2, Iss.1-2 (2011), 5-12

9. D. Dimitrovski, Z. Bozinovski, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, Adsorption of nickel (II) ions from aqueous solutions using alumina, Quality of life, Vol.2, Iss. 3-4 (2011) 51-57

10. V. Raykov, V. Velikova, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, Review of main fisheries indicators in the black sea by using diagnostic analysis, Natura Montenegrina, Vol.10, No.3 (2011) 309-321

11. Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Supercritical fluid CO2 extraction on lichen Usena barbata L., Journal of Engineering & Processing Management, Vol. 3, No.1 (2011), 59-69

12. S.Kuvendziev, K.Lisichkov, D.Dimitrovski, Modelling of biological reactor for municipal wastewater treatment, Materials Protection, 52, No.4 (2011), 291-294

13. Dejan V. Dimitrovski, Zoran Lj. Bozinovski, Kiril T. Lisichkov, Stefan V. Kuvendziev, Arsenic removal through coagulation and flocculation from contaminated water in Macedonia, Materials Protection, 53, No.1 (2012), 57-62

14. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Ljatifi, Gj. Zhezhov, M. Marinkovski, Analysis of the activated sludge wastewater treatment process by application of a process simulator, Natura Montenegrina, Vol.12, No.3-4 (2013), 995-1002

15. S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, Z. Zekovic, M. Marinkovski, Artificial neural network modelling of supercritical fluid CO2 extraction of polyunsaturated fatty acids from common carp (Cypriunus carpio L.) viscera, J. of Supercritical fluids, 92 (2014), 242-248 (IF=2.732)

16. Z. Bozhinovski, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, D. Dimitrovski, K. Nikolovski, Adsorption of arsenites and arsenates from aqueous solutions by application of modified natural inorganic materials- a kinetic study, Materials Protection, 55, No.2 (2014), 200-206

17. Z. Bozhinovski, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, D. Dimitrovski, K. Nikolovski, Equilibrium study for adsorption of arsenites and arsenates from aqueous solutions by application of modified natural inorganic materials, Quality of Life, Vol.5, Iss.1-2 (2014), 46-52

18. Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Zoran Zekovic, Mirko Marinkovski, Influence of operating parameters on the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of bioactive components from common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) viscera, Separation and Purification Technology, 138 (2014) 191–197 (IF=3.065)

19. T. Anovski, E. A. Jovcheva, K. Lisichkov, D. Dimitrovski, S. Kuvendziev, A. Leis, R. Benischke, E. Micevski, Lj. Arsov, Application of environmental isotope techniques for determining the origin and mechanisms of recharge of the Rashche Spring, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019 (78:656), doi:10.1007/s12665-019-8674-5; (IF= 1,871)

20. K. A. Burevska, H. Memedi, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, G. Ruseska, A. Grozdanov, Biosorption of nickel ions from aqueous solutions by natural and modified peanut husks: eqiulibrium and kinetics, Water and Environment Journal, 2018 (32-2), 276-284; (IF= 1,224)

21. S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, Z. Zeković, M. Marinkovski, Z. Musliu, Supercritical fluid extraction of fish oil from common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) tissues, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2018 (133), 528-534; (IF= 3,481)

22. M. Ljatifi, J. Kuci, E. Ljatifi, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Cleaning polluted waters from ions Mn(II) with rice husk as a biosorbent, Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UT, 2018 (3.5-6), 47-53

23. A. Zendelska, M. Golomeova, Š. Jakupi, K. Lisičkov, S. Kuvendžiev, M. Marinkovski, Characterization andapplication of clinoptilolite for removal of heavy metal ions from water resources, Geologica Macedonica, 2018 (32.1), 21–32

24. H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, A. Reka, Separation of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions by Natural Bentonite: Equilibrium Study, Quality of Life, 2017 (8.1-2), 41-47

25. H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, A. Reka, Removal of Cr(VI) from Water Resources by using Different Raw Inorganic Sorbents, Quality of Life, 2016 (7.3-4), 77-85

26. S. Jakupi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Golomeova, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Removal of Ni(II) ions from Aqueous Solutions by Nanoporous Material, Quality of Life, 2016 (7.1-2), 29-35

27. S. Jakupi, K. Lisichkov, M. Golomeova, K. Atkovska, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, H. Memedi, Separation of Co(II) ions from Water Resources by Natural Zeolite (clinoptilolite), Material and Environment Protection, 2016 (1), 57-66

28. K. Lisichkov, L. Mahi, G. Zhezhov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Z. Bozhinovski, Design and analysis of the process of inceneration of stabilized sludge from combined wastewater sources, Material and Environment Protection, 2015 (1), 26-32

Труд со оригинални научни резултати, објавен во зборник на трудови од научен/стручен собир

1. К. Лисичков, З. Божиновски, С. Кувенџиев, М. Љатифи, М. Маринковски, Д. Димитровски, Карактеризација на природни и модифицирани сорбенти за отстранување на тешки метали од водени ресурси, VII Стручно советување на тема: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини, ПОДЕКС-ПОВЕКС ’14, 14-15.11.2014, Радовиш, Р. Македонија, стр. 253-257

Список на трудови печатени во зборници со меѓународен уредувачки одбор:

1. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, V. Raykov, Primena nekonvencionalnih biosorbenta u separaciji teških metala iz vodenih rastvora, IV Simpozijum “Reciklažne tehnologije i održivi razvoj”, Kladovo, 2009, Zbornik radova p. 347-351

2. Dejan V. Dimitrovski, Zoran Lj. Bozinovski, Kiril T. Lisichkov, Stefan V. Kuvendziev, Separation of arsenic from contaminated water in Macedonia through coagulation and flocculation, 2nd International Congress ,,Engineering, ecology and materials in the processing industry”, Jahorina, 2011, Proceedings p. 741-744

3. Stefan Kuvendziev, Kiril Lisichkov, Dejan Dimitrovski, Design of CMAS (completely mixed activated sludge) bioreactor for rural wastewater treatment, 2nd International Congress ,,Engineering, ecology and materials in the processing industry”, Jahorina, 2011, Proceedings p. 924-929

4. Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Supercritical fluid CO2 extraction on lichen Usnea barbata L., 2nd International Congress ,,Engineering, ecology and materials in the processing industry”, Jahorina, 2011, Proceedings p. 134-139

5. K. Lisichkov, E. Fidancevska, R. Grujic, V. Srebrenkoska, S. Kuvendziev, Sustainable development of green solvent separation process, International Scientific Conference “Renewable energy sources and sustainable development”, 2-3.06.2011, Banja Luka, BiH, Proceedings, 111-118

6. Lisichkov K., Kuvendziev S., Dimitrovski D., Marinkovski M., SCADA control of the biological wastewater treatment process in aerated lagoons, I International Conference “Ecology of Urban Areas 2011”, September 30th, 2011, Zrenjanin, Serbia, Invited lecture, Proceedings pp.156-161

7. M. Marinkovski, P. Paunovic, G. Nachevski, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, Examination of reaction order and limiting step of reaction rate of naphthalene oxidation in presence of TiO2 photocatalyst obtained by sol-gel method, XIV YuCorr International Conference, 17-20.April, 2012, Tara, Serbia, Proceedings, 255-258

8. S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, Design of process control schemes for separation of unsaturated fish’ fatty acids, XIV YuCorr International Conference, 17-20.April, 2012, Tara, Serbia, Proceedings, 259-265

9. K. Lisichkov, Gj. Zhezhov, S. Kuvendziev, D. Dimitrovski, M. Marinkovski, Analysis of the process of production of solid pharmaceutical dosage forms by application of a process simulator, XIV YuCorr International Conference, 17-20.April, 2012, Tara, Serbia, Proceedings, 266-271

10. D. Dimitrovski, Z. Bozhinovski, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, Adsorption of arsenic onto granular ferric hydroxide (GFH) in fixed-bed column, XIV YuCorr International Conference, 17-20.April, 2012, Tara, Serbia, Proceedings, 272-274

11. M. Marinkovski, P. Paunovic, G. Nacevski, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, Determination of reaction order and limiting step of reaction rate of naphthalene oxidation in presence of Cr-doped TiO2 photocatalyst obtained by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), II International Conference “Ecology of Urban Areas 2012”, October 15th, 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia, Proceedings, 37-44

12. G. Nacevski, K. Lisichkov, P. Paunovic, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Integrated impact assessment of technogenic and toxic substances on environmental quality in the industrial complex “Zelezara” Skopje, II International Conference “Ecology of Urban Areas 2012”, October 15th, 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia, Proceedings, 103-108

13. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, S. Filip, Lj. Mahi, M. Marinkovski, D. Dimitrovski, Biosorption of heavy metals from aqueous solutions by microbial biomass, II International Conference “Ecology of Urban Areas 2012”, October 15th, 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia, Invited lecture, Proceedings, 152-158

14. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Gj. Zhezhov, G. Nachevski, S. Filip, Optimization of the green-process of ammonia removal from wastewater using nanoporous sorbent, III International Conference “Ecology of Urban Areas 2013”, October 11th, 2013, Zrenjanin, Serbia, Proceedings, 225-230

15. S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, D. Dimitrovski, The isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds from common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), 10th Symposium “Novel technologies and economic development”, October 22-23, 2013, Leskovac, Serbia, Proceedings, 44-51

16. E. Mustafa, K. Atkovska, F. Aliu, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, A. Tomova, K. Lisichkov, Characterization of drinking water springs for the city of Skopje, Knowledge-International Journal, 2019 (34.3), 645-650

17. V. Bezhovska, F. Aliu, K. Atkovska, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, M. Šmelcerović, K. Lisichkov, Separation of Heavy Metals from Water Resources by Different Natural Adsorbents, Knowledge-International Journal, 2019 (31.3), 703-709

18. K. Atkovska, S. Jakupi, F. Aliu, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, K. Lisichkov, Adsorption Characteristics of Natural Porous Sorbents, Knowledge-International Journal, 2019 (31.3), 647-652

19. V. Bezhovska, E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, K. Atkovska, Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies on the Removal of Mn2+ions from Aqueous Solutions by Perlite, Knowledge-International Journal, 2019 (30.4), 1079-1084

20. M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, K. Atkovska, F. Aliu, E. Mustafa, S. Jakupi, Peyman Ghaffari, Kiril Lisichkov, Biosorption of Mn(II) ions from Water Solutions by Natural Sorbent. Kinetic modeling, Knowledge-International Journal, 2019 (30.3), 525-530

21. T. Anovski, E. Anovska-Jovcheva, K. Lisichkov, D. Dimitrovski, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, I. Mickova, Environmental Stable (O,H) Isotope Distribution in Local Hydrological Cycle and its Application in Determination the Origin of Water in the Observed Water Supply Systems, 40thInternational Conference Vodovod i Kanalizacija ’19, Proceedings, 2019, 239-245

22. E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, K. Atkovska, S. Jakupi, Qualitative and Quantitative Characterization of the Wastewater from Airport Terminals,39thInternational Conference Vodovod i Kanalizacija ’18, Proceedings, 2018, 291-297

23. E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, A. Radevski, Characterisation of Wastewater from Urban Commercial Building, Knowledge –International Journal, 2018 (22.4), 1007-1011

24. V. Bezhovska, E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, K. Atkovska,Separation of Mn(II) ions from Water Solutions by Perlite, Knowledge –International Journal, 2018 (26.5), 1445-1449

25. K. Lisichkov, E. Mustafa, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, N. Baara, S. Jakupi, Biosorption of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution by Sunflower Seed Husks, Knowledge –International Journal, 2018 (23.5), 1709-1713

26. E. Anovska-Jovcheva, K. Lisichkov, D. Dimitrovski, I. Mickova, K. Anovski, S. Kuvendziev, N. Baara, T. Anovski, Environmental tritium is still an efficient tool in determination the mechanism of recharge and aquifer characteristics of spring waters, XX YuCorr, Tara Mountain, Serbia, 2018, 121-126

27. E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, P. Ghaffari, M. Marinkovski, S. Jakupi, Optimal Control of Biological Waste WaterTreatment System, XX YuCorr, Tara Mountain, Serbia, 2018, 127-132

28. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Z. Zeković, R. Grujić, Green Process for Extraction of Natural Products by Supercritical CO2-Artificial Neural Network Modeling, V International Congress Engineering, Environment and Materials in Processing Industry, Proceedings, 2017, 50-59

29. E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, Study of Influence of Process Parameters on the Ceramic Membrane Module Permeability for Different Aqueous Solutions, V International Congress Engineering, Environment and Materials in Processing Industry, Proceedings, 2017, 145-154

30. Z. Musliji, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, R. Grujić, Profit Optimization in a Meat Processing Industry Using Linear Programming, V International Congress Engineering, Environment and Materials in Processing Industry, Proceedings, 2017, 294-300

31. K. Lisichkov, E. Mustafa, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, A. Radevski, R. Grujić,Z. Bozinovski, Design and management of urban wastewater treatment processes, Quality Fest 2017, Proceedings, 2017, 31-35

32. A. Slaveski, M. Stojchevski, H. Memedi, E. Mustafa, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, K. Lisichkov, Separation of Ni(II) ions fromaqueous solution by a natural sorbent -trepel, Knowledge-International Journal, 2017 (19.4), 1591-1597

33. E. Mustafa, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozhinovski, K. Lisichkov, Characteristics and management of excess sludge generated in treatment of wastewater from a commercial object, Knowledge-International Journal, 2017 (19.4), 1757-1760

34. E. Mustafa, I. Selim, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, A. Radevski, S. Jakupi, Application od Zero Emission Concept in the WasteWater Treatment by Membrane Bio-reactor, 38thInternational Conference Vodovod i Kanalizacija ’17, Proceedings, 2017, 340-345

35. K. Lisichkov, Z. Saiti, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Design of a quality management information system in the food processing industry: Analysis of meat processing industrial capacities, Knowledge–International Journal, 2017 (17.3), 1337-1342

36. E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, E. Ljatifi, S. Jakupi, Design and Determination of Permeability Characteristics of Polymeric Membrane Module for Different Aqueous Solutions, 7thInternational Scientific and Professional Conference, Water for All, 2017, 98-105

37. K. Atkovska, H. Memedi, K. Lisichkov, G. Ruseska, S. Jakupi, S. Kuvendziev, M.Marinkovski, A. Grozdanov, The Influence of the Municipal Solid Waste Landfill on the Quality of the Regional Water Resources, 37thInternational Conference Vodovod i Kanalizacija ’16, Proceedings, 2016, 262-266

38. K. Atkovska, H. Memedi, K. Lisichkov,G. Ruseska, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, A. Grozdanov, Equilibrium Study for the Process of Removal of Ni(II) ions from Aqueous Solutions by Natural Bentonite, V International Conference: Ecology of Urban Areas 2016, Proceedings, 2016, 292-297

39. H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, Z. Bozinovski, S. Kuvendziev, A. Reka, S. Jakupi, Application of Natural inorganic sorbent (PEMZA) for Removal of Cr(VI) ions from Water Resources,V International Conference: Ecology of Urban Areas 2016, Proceedings, 2016, 109-116

40. K. Atkovska, S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, G. Ruseska, A. Grozdanov, Removal of Ni(II) ions from Aqueous Solutions by Natural Peanut Husks, 2ndInternational and 6thCroatian Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, Proceedings, 2016, 1-12

41. H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, Z. Bozinovski, S. Kuvendziev, A. Reka, Investigation of the Possibility for Application of Natural Inorganic Sorbent (Aksil) for Heavy Metals Removal from Water Resources, 2ndInternational and 6thCroatian Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, Proceedings, 2016, 185-192

42. M. Stojchevski, A. Stavrov, M. Petrovski, R. Grujić, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, K. Lisichkov, Isolation of Oil from White Mustard (Sinapis Alba L) Seeds by Ultrasound-assisted Extraction, 11thInternational Conference Knowledge in Practice, Proceedings, 2016, 431-437

43. E. Mustafa, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, Novel Trends in Wastewater Treatment by Using Membrane Bioreactors, V International Conference “Ecology of Urban Areas 2016”, Proceedings, 2016, 124-129

Пленарни и секциски предавања:

1. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, (plenary lecture), Solubility of bioactive components in supercritical CO2. Artificial neural network modeling, VI International scientific-professional symposium “Environmental resources, sustainable development and food production” –OPORPH

2. Erhan Mustafa, Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Zoran Bozinovski, Enes Rifat, The influence of wastewater treatment plant on mosquito activity. Proposal for optimal control, COST CA16227 2nd General Scientific Meeting and 1st Workshop 1 -3 October 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia

3. Erhan Mustafa, Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Zoran Bozinovski, katerina Atkovska, The influence of working parameters of wastewater treatment plant on mosquito population, 1st International Conference on Political Decision Making and Vector-Borne Diseases –Interdisciplinary Research, Complexity and Bio-Mathematics, 4th -5th April 2019, Valenca, Portugal

4. Katerina Atkovska, Kiril Lisichkov, Erhan Mustafa, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Characterization of natural and modified zeolite (clinoptilolite). Potential mosquito repellent for advanced textile processing, 1st International Conference on Political Decision Making and Vector-Borne Diseases –Interdisciplinary Research, Complexity and Bio-Mathematics, 4th -5th April 2019, Valenca, Portugal

5. Kiril Lisichkov, Katerina Atkovska, Erhan Mustafa, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Peyman Ghaffari, Contemporary methods for water and wastewater treatment. Concept of SCADA control, Special Working Group Meeting for WG1, WG2 and WG6 at University of Aveiro Portugal, 10 –11 October 2019

6. Katerina Atkovska, Erhan Mustafa, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Peyman Ghaffari, Kiril Lisichkov, Adsorption characteristics of modified natural zeolite as a potential mosquito repellent, Special Working Group Meeting for WG1, WG2 and WG6 at University of Aveiro Portugal, 10 –11 October 2019

7. Erhan Mustafa, Katerina Atkovska, Stefan Kuvendziev, Mirko Marinkovski, Peyman Ghaffari, Kiril Lisichkov, Application of membrane separation technology for purification of wastewater. Optimal control for prevention of mosquito population, Special Working Group Meeting for WG1, WG2 and WG6 at University of Aveiro Portugal, 10 –11 October 2019

Список на апстракти објавени во Зборник на Конгреси, Симпозиуми и Конфенерции:

1. Kiril Lisickov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Vasilka Najdenova, Study on quality of water resources in Prespa region, International conference of B.EN.A, Romania, 15-18 May 2008, Abstract volume, p.24, (oral presentation)

2. Kiril Lisickov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Vasilka Najdenova, Purifying Milk Industry’s Wastewater by applcation of membrane processes, International conference of B.EN.A, Romania, 15-18 May 2008, Abstract volume, p.87, (poster presentation)

3. S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, V. Najdenova, V. Raykov, Application of automatic control in water resources management, 4th International Environmental Conference of B.EN.A – Life Quality and Capacity Building in the frame of a Safe Environment, Katerini Greece, March 2009, Book of Abstracts p.24

4. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, V. Raykov, B. Lisickov, Characterization of tomato waste as natural raw material for obtaining eco – extracts, PS7 03, 2nd Symposium of Chemistry and Environment, Bar, Montenegro, September 16-19, 2009, Book of abstracts p. 92

5. Stefan Kuvendziev, Kiril Lisickov, Application of SCADA systems in complex regulation of rural wastewater’s treatment, PS4 03, 2nd Symposium of Chemistry and Environment, Bar, Montenegro, September 16-19, 2009, Book of abstracts p. 80

6. Стефан Кувенџиев, Стефан Карастојанов, Кирил Лисичков, Студирање на динамиката на процесот на пречистување на отпадни води при различни пореметувања на влезните сигнали, VIII Конгрес по чиста и применета хемија на студентите од Македонија (со меѓународно учество), 8-10 Октомври 2009, Технолошко – Металуршки факултет, Скопје, Р.Македонија, Книга на апстракти с. 32

7. Стефан Кувенџиев, Кирил Лисичков, Имплементација на системи за автоматско управување со користење на различни континуирани техники и методи, VIII Конгрес по чиста и применета хемија на студентите од Македонија (со меѓународно учество), 8-10 Октомври 2009, Технолошко – Металуршки факултет, Скопје, Р.Македонија, Книга на апстракти с. 44

8. Stefan Kuvendziev, Kiril Lisichkov, Thomas Ertl, Todor Anovski, Comparative analysis of the conventional processes of rural wastewater’ treatment with focus on energetical and economical aspects, XII International Conference, 18.05-21.05.2010, Tara, R. of Serbia, Book of abstracts p.156

9. K. Lisichkov, E. Fidancevska, R. Grujic, V. Srebrenkoska, S. Kuvendziev, Sustainable development of green solvent separation processes, International scientific conference – Renewable energy sources and sustainable development, 02.06-03.06.2011, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of Abstracts p.90-91

10. Kiril Lisichkov, Stefan Kuvendziev, Supercritical fluid CO2 extraction of bioactive antioxidants from natural raw materials, 16th Summer University Tuzla 2011, “With food to health – International seminar – Dietetic products in health and disease”, 01.07.2011, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of abstracts p.40

11. L. Mitkova, R. Tašev, K. Lisičkov, S. Kuvendziev, A. Perkova, Sustainable development and process control of producing functional bakery products, 16th Summer University Tuzla 2011, “With food to health – International seminar – Dietetic products in health and disease”, 01.07.2011, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of abstracts p.41

12. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Jašić, R. Cvrk, Optimization of the process of supercritical fluid extraction of usnic acid from lichens, International Conference “Medicinal and aromatic plants in generating of new values in 21st century”, 9-12 November, 2011, Sarajevo, BiH, Book of abstracts p.42

13. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, D. Dimitrovski, V. Najdenova, Determination of the optimal process regulator parameters for the system of activated sludge wastewater treatment, XXII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, September 5-9th, 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia, Book of abstracts (PE-17), p.319

14. K. Lisichkov, S. Conic, R. Grujic, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Green solvent extraction of fragrance components from Ocimum basilicum L., XXII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, September 5-9th, 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia, Book of abstracts (PE-18), p.320

15. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, The common carp fish oil as a source of bioactive compounds, 5th International symposium “With food to health”, 2012, Tuzla, BiH, Book of abstracts, p.20

16. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, E. Fidancevska, V. Srebrenkoska, Novel trends of nanomaterial’s application in food and pharmaceutical engineering, 6th International symposium “With food to health”, 2013, Tuzla, BiH, Book of abstracts, p.22

17. S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, Z. Zekovic, M. Marinkovski, Separation processes for isolation of unsaturated fatty acids from fish samples, 6th International symposium “With food to health”, 2013, Tuzla, BiH, Book of abstracts, p.25

18. K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Gj. Zhezhov, J. Kuchi, Equilibrium study for removal of ammonium ions from aqueous solution by zeolite type 4A, VI International Metallurgical Congress, 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia, Book of abstracts (PEM-1), p. 105

19. K. Lisichkov, M. Ljatifi, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Separation of cadmium ions from aqueous solution by using rice husk as a biosorbent, VI International Metallurgical Congress, 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia, Book of abstracts (PEM-2), p. 106

20. E. Mustafa, F. Aliu, K. Atkovska, S. Kuvendziev, D. Dimitrovski, Z. Bozhinovski, M. Marinkovski, K. Lisichkov, Biosorption of Mn(II) ions from water solutions by natural sorbent: equilibrium study, 16thInternational Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, CEST2019_00852

21. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, Application of artificial neural networks for studying the dynamics of the process of isolation of natural components, Ninth Workshop Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences DSABNS 2018 Turin, Italy, 2018, 96

22. K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, M. Ljatifi, Z. Bozhinovski, M. Habuda-Stanić, Biosorption as a Green Technology for Removal of Heavy Metals from Water Resources: Modeling and Simulation, 7thInternational Scientific and Professional Conference, Water for All, Osijek, Croatia, 2017, 15

23. K. Atkovska, M. Ljatifi, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, G. Ruseska, A. Grozdanov, Application of Agricultural Wastes for Removal of Fe(II) Ions from Water Resources, 7thInternational Scientific and Professional Conference, Water for All, Osijek, Croatia, 2017, 48

24. H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, S. Jakupi, A. Reka, Separation of Cr(VI) Ions from Aqueous Solutions by Bentonite: The Influence of pH, 7thInternational Scientific and Professional Conference, Water for All, Osijek, Croatia, 2017, 87

25. H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, A. Reka, S. Jakupi, Application of raw material (aksil) for removal of Cr(VI) ions from water solutions: the effect of pH,12th Symposium Novel Technologies and Economic Development, Leskovac, Serbia, 2017, 129

26. K. Lisichkov, K. Atkovska, R. Rusheva, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, A. Grozdanov, Equilibrium study for Mn(II) ions removal from aqueous solutions by food industry biomass, 12th Symposium Novel Technologies and Economic Development, Leskovac, Serbia, 2017, 130

27. Z. Bozhinovski, S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, K. Nikolovski, Modeling of the Process of Removal of Arsenites and Arsenates from Aqueous Solutions in a Fixed Bed Column System, 2ndInternational and 6thCroatian Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, Osijek, Croatia, 2016, 45

28. Z. Bozhinovski, S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, Kinetic and equilibrium studies of the process of removal of arsenates from aqueous solutions by application of modified natural inorganic materials, XX Znanstveno –struĉni skup Voda i Javna Vodoopskrba, 2016, 226-227

29. S. Jakupi, K. Lisichkov, M. Golomeova, Z. Bozhinovski, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Application of Natural Zeolite for Separation of Co(II) ions from Aqueous Solutions: Egiulibrium Study, 2ndInternational and 6thCroatian Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, Osijek, Croatia, 2016, 65

30. R. Rusheva, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, Z. Bozinovski, Biosorption of Mn(II) ions from Water Resources by Using Agricultural Waste, 2ndInternational and 6thCroatian Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, Osijek, Croatia, 2016, 112

31. K. Atkovska, H. Memedi, S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, G. Ruseska, A. Grozdanov, Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous solutions by Natural Bentonite, VII International Metallurgical Congress Metallurgy, Materials and Environment, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2016

32. H. Memedi, K. Atkovska, K. Lisichkov, M. Marinkovski, S. Kuvendziev, S. Bogoevski, Z. Bozinovski, A. Reka, Characterisation of Natural Inorganic Materials as a Potential Heavy Metal Adsorbent, VII International Metallurgical Congress Metallurgy, Materials and Environment, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2016

33. T. Anovski, E. Anovska-Jovcheva, K. Lisichkov, D. Dimitrovski, S. Kuvenjiev, L. Arsov, E. Micevski, Origin of the water of Rashes spring and aspects of its protection, “Pollution of the cities in the Republic of Macedonia: what are the solutions?”, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Research center for environment and materials, Book of abstracts, 2018, 74

34. K. Lisichkov, E. Mustafa, T. Anovski, Z. Bozinovski, S. Kuvendziev, M. Marinkovski, D. Dimitrovski, Application of membrane separation processes for wastewater treatment from airport terminals, “Pollution of the cities in the Republic of Macedonia: what are the solutions?”, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Research center for environment and materials, Book of abstracts, 2018, 82

Учесник на национален научен проект

1. Изотопско испитување на меѓусебната поврзаност и влијанијата на површинските и подземните води кои гравитираат кон изворот Рашче, финансирано од град Скопје, 2013-2014.

2. Испитување и анализа на пречистителната станица за третирање на отпадните води во А.Д. Охис, вклучувајќи ги и комуналните води од населбата Пинтија, финансиран од град Скопје, 2013-2014.

3. Реализирање на проектни активности од областа на развојот и примената на чисти технологии во животната средина за едукација на магистри, доктори и организирање работилници за подигање на јавната свест, финансирано од МОЕПП, 2013-2014.

4. Развој на процеси за валоризација на биомаса од природни отпадни суровини (моделирање и оптимизација), 2017

5. Дизајн на процеси за екстракција на биоактивни компоненти од растителни суровини, 2019

Учесник на меѓународен научен проект

1. “Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes” (GREENERING) CA18224, 2019-

2. Municipal services improvement project – (MSIP), Technical assistance: small size wastewater treatment in rural areas (CS-CQ-002-16): (“MUNICIPAL SERVICES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT – (MSIP) / Loan number: 7699-MK and 8158-MK / Project ID number: P096481 / TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: SMALL SIZE WASTEWATER TREATMENT IN RURAL AREAS”), 2017

– Analysis of the existing sanitation and wastewater treatment in the rural areas with population equivalent up to 10,000 in the Republic of Macedonia

– Assessment and recommendation report regarding proposed wastewater solutions for 8 municipalities, Statement re connection of Frangovo to WWTP Struga

– Final Summary Report with Recommendations

3. The influence of Vardar river to the ground water recharge of Rasche spring, part of agency’s coordinated research project: Estimation of groundwater recharge and discharge using the 3H/3He dating technique, IAEA Vienna, 2010-2015.

4. A new scientific approach for improvement and appropriate management of waste water systems in Republic of Macedonia, bilateral project with the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria, 2011-2013.

5. “Evaluation of appropriate wastewater treatment technologies on the Balkans with focus on ecological and socio-economical aspects“, bilateral project with the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna (Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control) and the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, 2008-2010.

6. 158989-TEMPUS-BE-TEMPUS-JPHES: Creation of University Enterprise cooperation networks for education on sustainable technologies, TEMPUS project, 2010-2013.

– “Workshop on the Idea and Practice of Wastewater Management in Macedonia”, Presenter and member of the project team, on the 21st of August 2008 at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje

– “Workshop on the Idea and Practice of Wastewater Management in Macedonia”, Presenter and member of the project team, on the 19th February 2009 at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje

– “Practice and lessons learnt of WWTP in Macedonia” Presenter and member of the project team, on the 30th June 2009 at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje

– “A New Scientific Approach for Improvement and Appropriate Management of Wastewater Systems in the Republic of Macedonia”, 01-04.08.2011, Ohrid, R. Macedonia

– Workshop – Dissemination of project activities in the frames of the program for environmental investments, 3-4.2015.

– Seminar co-organized by “Varus – MERCK representative” and Faculty of Technology and metallurgy, Skopje: Trends of application of spectrophotometric methods in process industry, 1.6.2016.

– Workshop – World Water Day – Water and Wastewater, 22.3.2017.

– Workshop – World Water Day – Nature for Water, 22.3.2018.

– Workshop – World Water Day – Leaving no one behind: Water Means Life, 22.3.2019.

Англиски, Германски, Српски

Мерење и автоматска регулација, Процесна динамика со комплексна регулација, Сепарациони процеси, Менаџмент и третман на отпадни води, Апликација на современи софтвери за хемиско и контролно инженерство

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